TechReborn / RebornCore

Reborn Core is a library used for many of the Tech Reborn team's mods, including Tech Reborn, Quantum Storage, Fluxed Redstone, Hardcore Map Reset, and many more.
MIT License
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Mapping Conflicts with Official Mojang Mappings #178

Closed CodexAdrian closed 3 years ago

CodexAdrian commented 3 years ago

When using official Mojang mappings in my mod, reborn core conflicts. This is what IntelliJ gave to me

:remapping 1 mods (TinyRemapper, intermediary -> named)
Mapping target name conflicts detected:
  METHODs reborncore/common/util/RebornInventory/[net/minecraft/class_1263/method_5431, setChanged]()V -> setChanged
  METHODs `reborncore/common/explosion/RebornExplosion/[net/minecraft/class_1927/method_8348,` explode]()V -> explode
There were unfixable conflicts.
modmuss50 commented 3 years ago

Should now be fixed.