TechReborn / StevesCarts

A carttastic mod adding a near infinite number of carts possible to the game, through the creation of modular carts.
MIT License
31 stars 25 forks source link

Sapling from mods #164

Open TheCowKing-moo opened 5 years ago

TheCowKing-moo commented 5 years ago

Hiya. Long time user of Steve's Carts and noticed that the tree exotic module is no longer a thing. Is there another way to get saplings from other mods to plant nowadays?

Currently having a bit of trouble with Rustic's Ironwood saplings.

version: StevesCarts-1.12.2-

modmuss50 commented 5 years ago

It should work with most modded trees by default now. But some things will require extra support like you have noticed.

Pentasis commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same problem with saplings from vibrant journey.