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Open caok opened 7 years ago

caok commented 7 years ago

@hlee @xiongbo Linux Command 14-19章 周四

Prince Caspine Chapter 7-8


caok commented 7 years ago

a short cut = a shorter path

put on hold/put on pause = to wait to do something put on hold-> we stop doing something and wait one currency "against" another one used to talk about how strong/weak a currency is compared to another

"either," "neither," "none," "none of," "any," "any of" EITHER & NEITHER -> two options

ANY we use "any" before nouns that refer to indefinite or unknown quantities or something unlimted ex. Did you bring any bread? ex. He didn't have any questions any can also be used as a pronoun (without a noun following it) when the noun is understood ex. Do you have any money? No, I don't have any.

ANY OF we use "any" with "of" before articles (a/an, the), before this, that, pronouns, and possessives (his, her, etc.) ex. Should I keep any of these files? ex. Are any of you going to the meeting?

NONE none is used as a pronoun to replace nouns and can also be used as a subject or object in the sentence ex. My mother has 2 brothers. My father has none.

NONE OF ex. None of his friends came to the party. ex. None of it was his fault.

"KEEP YOUR OPTIONS OPEN" -> don't close/end other options that you have, keep them available


"A NO-BRAINER" -> something very simple/easy

impulsive? idiomatic expressions PHRASAL VERBS

ex. "Look into" -> to find out more information about something ex. "Look up" -> to search for contact information or a definition, etc.