Techeron / fvlr_api

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Add logic to event Routes #11

Open honjes opened 2 months ago

honjes commented 2 months ago

i would like to add returns to the teams and player routs by simple requesting them from the api itself

Codokk commented 2 months ago

We could add a URI param (ex refresh=true)

We need to be careful about this though, as it makes it easy to spam requests to

honjes commented 2 months ago

Yes, that is true. Maybe we could just check the cache for data already stored and just add that data to the response ? That would have the problem of having inconsistent responses, tho.

Codokk commented 2 months ago

Maybe we can have some sort of Minimum cache time, (EX: when a record's created timestamp is less than 60 seconds old, they are required to get cached data)

honjes commented 2 months ago

Yes, that sounds good. maybe we could also add an option to request deeper data (EX: ext =true, when requesting a team also requests the players from vlr). Something like that