TechfaneTechnologies / pytvlwcharts

An Experimental Python Wrapper For Tradingview's Lightweight-Charts To Be Used In Notebook Environments (Google Colab).
Apache License 2.0
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scaleMargins is not working #14

Open DemoreXTess opened 11 months ago

DemoreXTess commented 11 months ago

I made a basic candlestick chart with volume parameter but my volume histogram heights are huge. I tried to put them much lower places with bigger percentage values such as .9 from top but nothing changed. I need quick help please

zlpatel commented 4 days ago

The issue could be related to this ->

You could use price_scale and overlay_price_scales option while defining Chart. See below example. This is working. But it is a chart level setting and could be an issue when you want to control scale margin for multiple overlay series chart.

sp500_2000_2001_chart = Chart(
    width = 1360,
    height = 500,

#sp500_2000_2001_chart.mark_line(data=sp500_2000_2001.eval('value = close'), name = 'test', LineWidth=2)
sp500_2000_2001_chart.mark_histogram(series_name='Volume',data=sp500_2000_2001.eval('value = volume'),priceScaleId='',priceFormat={'type':'volume'})

Alternatively, I tried to fix this by making some code changes. you can download my code using this command -> pip install -U git+

The only caveat is that you always need to pass price_scale parameter even though you don't want to set anything. I am still trying to figure out how to improve that so that we don't have to pass that parameter but meanwhile you can just set it to an empty object of PriceScaleMargins() like I did in the below example.

sp500_2000_2001_chart = Chart(
    width = 1360,
    height = 500,

sp500_2000_2001_chart.mark_candlestick(series_name='ohlc',data=sp500_2000_2001, price_scale = PriceScaleOptions()) #scale_margins=PriceScaleMargins(top=0.1,bottom=0.4)))
sp500_2000_2001_chart.mark_line(data=sp500_2000_2001.eval('value = close'), price_scale = PriceScaleOptions(scale_margins=PriceScaleMargins(top=0.1,bottom=0.4)), name = 'test', LineWidth=0.5)
sp500_2000_2001_chart.mark_histogram(series_name='Volume',data=sp500_2000_2001.eval('value = volume'), price_scale = PriceScaleOptions(scale_margins=PriceScaleMargins(top=0.9,bottom=0)),priceScaleId='',priceFormat={'type':'volume'})