Techgeek20 / 7D2D-Carrier_Challenge

Aircraft Carrier Challenge for 7 Days to Die - Alpha 21.2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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On Server: Jen's quest to retrieve supplies doesn't work for all players #15

Open theloser opened 1 month ago

theloser commented 1 month ago

When we did Jen's quest to retrieve supplies on our server, it only completed for one player. The second player -- although finding their satchel and getting the supplies -- still has an incomplete quest (seeing the quest marker, telling them to "Head to the starting point"), but they're unable to interact with the quest marker.

Sidenote: After activating Jen's first quest (gather supplies), when the "POI" resets, the floor at the very start started to act like crazy (lots of flickering, for all users):


Techgeek20 commented 1 month ago

The Jen's Retrieve supplies is repeatable (i.e. auto-shared to everyone in your team). Check in the active quests list if the icon next to the quest has multi-person icon (this indicates that the quest is shared from another player).

Also, the "disco" floor happens when the army depot poi resets when the supplies quest is activated. This was a poi issue that was fixed for the 7D2D V1 version of the pack.

theloser commented 3 weeks ago

About the quest: We were playing with 2 player, player A and B. Both got the quest, which then was auto-shared and auto-accepted. Player A started the quest (both player were in range). There were two different satchels, one for player A and one for player B. Player A searched both (!) satchels and got both (!) quests completed (although we only had one quest active of course). Player B got only one quest complete (the shared one), and I'm not sure if player B also checked/searched both satchels.

After that, quest markers were gone for player A, while player B still got an active quest marker, but was unable to interact with it. Logging out and back in into the game didn't change anything -- player B still got their active quest in the quest log and also the quest marker, but without any way to interact with it. Player B then canceled their quest. After that, although the quest was gone, player B still can see the active quest marker.

In addition player A got a "Tier 1 Complete" reward, which player B never received.

About the floor: great news to hear that this has been fixed in the mod pack for V1!