TechieGuy12 / PlexServerAutoUpdater

Automatically update Plex when running the Plex service.
MIT License
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Plex service not installed #16

Closed mclacore closed 6 years ago

mclacore commented 6 years ago

Tried running this on my Plex server, and says Plex service not installed, so I can't run it. Which Plex service am I missing? Plex is running, so I don't really understand.

robross0606 commented 6 years ago

Agreed, I have the same problem. Does the service actually need to be named "Plex"? That's a fairly important detail that is glossed right over.

TechieGuy12 commented 6 years ago

The Plex service is this one:

This service isn't related to the Plex application, but is a user-created, open source application that allows you to run Plex as a service, instead of as a process.

robross0606 commented 6 years ago

I figured that out but it wasn't clear. Are you simply looking for a specific service name ("PlexService"). Because there are other ways to shim Plex into a service besides that one Git project. For example, NSSM.

TechieGuy12 commented 6 years ago

Sorry about not being clear. I linked to the Plex forums for the service instead of the actual GitHub repo in the readme file.

At this time I am only looking for PlexServer, as I initially developed this app to work with that service (which is the one I use on my Plex server). I could eventually look at incorporating other methods of create a Plex service, however, that would require the user specifying the service name, as I couldn't use the path of the service as NSSM would just point to nssm.exe instead of the Plex executable.

robross0606 commented 6 years ago

Service names can be changed so as long as we know you're dependent on a service named "PlexService" your app could work with other methods like NSSM.

YouveGotMeowxy commented 2 years ago

Is there a specific reason that plex must be run as a service for this updater to work?

TechieGuy12 commented 2 years ago

I originally developed this app to update Plex when it is running as a service using PmsService as there wasn't an easy way of updating manually.

Are you looking to update Plex if it is running as a process?

YouveGotMeowxy commented 2 years ago

Are you looking to update Plex if it is running as a process?

Yes :)