Techlee828 / djangoproject-1-

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requirement.txt and general clarification. #1

Open Nealium opened 1 year ago

Nealium commented 1 year ago


What version of Python are you using?- Also please create a requirements file with pip freeze > requirements.txt this will throw all package versions into the file and can be read with pip install -r requirements.txt. This is so I’m using the same version and there’s no conflicts.


Is the Django server going to be running on the raspberry pie and directly communicating with the arduino? (‘other’ sorta explains why I’m asking)

Other, File Structure

There’s a lot of Django projects in here. You could combine all of these into one Django project and just make each one their own app ..but honestly you could just throw it all in a single app & Django project. Example project: poseidon & app: sensor or some other app name, idk. This would keep it tight, concise, in a single unit and easier to manage + work with; just my opinion. If you’re using these projects as a type of Version control, just use Git branches. That’s what I’ll be doing so I don’t screw any of your stuff up. Note: Branches are easy to work with, if you’ve never used them

Techlee828 commented 1 year ago

ok will upload requirements.txt (see below)

asgiref==3.5.0 Django==4.0.4 django-extensions==3.2.1 pyFirmata==1.1.0 pyserial==3.5 sqlparse==0.4.2 tzdata==2022.1

Python version- 3.10

Django Apps-

you can pretty much ignore everything but valve,website and poseidon.

valve is the main app i am trying to implement which can include sensor related funtion.

Iam trying to implement a check box on the user end /new (view).

if check box = true, execute pyfirmata script to drive the arduino.

the other apps are junk and need to be cleaned up, those are my different iterations.


This iam unsure of, if it makes since we can run the server on a separate machine and consider the pi as a user. This will never go to production we just want a working prototype for Demo day at this point. really whatever makes since is what we are going to go with.

Techlee828 commented 1 year ago

Now that i am thinking about his some more i think it makes since for pi device to be running the server. That way it can communicate with the Arduino directly, i cant think of any other way for this to work.