TechmanRobotInc / tmr_ros1

TM Robots supporting ROS1 drivers and some extended external applications. (experimental) (not support the new TM S-Series)
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Not able to move the robot #26

Open mojervico opened 9 months ago

mojervico commented 9 months ago

My problem is XXX, and it happened in Ubuntu 20.04, ROS Noetic. Hi I'm a robotic engineer from Spain, and I'm trying to control my tm5-900 robot with the ros driver (Ubuntu 20.04 ROS Noetic). After some problems with the ethernet ports I kind of manage to connect to the robot, I mean, I'm able to read the robot poses but I'm not able to move the robot via the /follow_joint_trajectory/ action server.

These are my screenshots when connecting running the ros_driver

Screenshot from 2023-09-12 15-19-09

I also tried with the tm5-900_moveit_planning_execution.launch , the rviz robot starts with the the real robot position but It fails when executing the trajectory. Here another screenshots:


Note that, when creating the listen_task in the TMFLOW software, I had to eliminate the stop conditions in order to work (receive the joints) if not the program was stopping after a few seconds. However, removing the stop conditions allowed me to receive the current joints.

What I am missing? does the tmr robot needs to be in any specific mode?

mojervico commented 9 months ago

I managed to found the solution. Actually, there is an error in the tutorial, in the Listen_task of flow project of TMflow software. The GoTo block should be connected to the fail output of the listen block providing feedback to this loop while the stop button could be in the pass output or erased. Please change this in order to avoid future problems