TechmanRobotInc / tmr_ros1

TM Robots supporting ROS1 drivers and some extended external applications. (experimental) (not support the new TM S-Series)
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Closed ports #5

Closed andriypartyshev closed 2 years ago

andriypartyshev commented 3 years ago

This is not so much an issue with the driver as with the ports on the tm5-900 controller. After having an issue where no connection was established i ran an nmap -Pn robot-ip and it returned a list of open ports (as i understood it) and none of them were 5890 or 5891 (or 502 for that matter (Modbus slave)) Is there a quick and easy fix for this issue? Am i missing something that is not in the manual or is it a robot controller factory setup issue?

karl-exwzd commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue and would very much like some advice on how to proceed.

The ports are reported to be closed by nmap -Pn <robot_ip> as @Medievalpunk said, yet in the TMflow terminal it is clearly written "Listen opens on" and "Ethernet Slave opens on" when the program is started.

Perhaps it should listen to instead of, but I have no idea on where to set that setting...

jvdtoorn commented 3 years ago

@exwzd-kk I had the same problem. For me the problem was that I plugged the ethernet cable into the wrong port on the TM machine. It should be connected to the port labelled with 'GigE'.

To verify if your problem is solved, the shown IP that TMFlow listens on should not be (localhost). It should be a local IP on the network, e.g. 192.168.x.x.

karl-exwzd commented 3 years ago

@julespalles Thank you for your input. Unfortunately, my machine does not feature markings next to the Ethernet ports.

Previously, the robot worked well with the deprecated driver. It seems the control interface ports have changed and therefore the system does not behave as before. I suspect I should change the IP setting somewhere... but where is that setting? I went though all the imaginable menus in TMFlow, perhaps I should try other Ethernet ports and hope it works automagically.

jvdtoorn commented 3 years ago

@exwzd-kk see my other comment, you should update TMFlow to version 1.80

jvdtoorn commented 3 years ago

What is your output when running scripts/ from my techmanpy driver?

karl-exwzd commented 3 years ago

@julespalles I followed your suggestion and tested the other Ethernet ports on the robot, indeed that was the issue.

Now I see this in the logs: "Listen opens on" and "Ethernet Slave opens on".

I have TMFlow 1.80.5300.

jvdtoorn commented 3 years ago

@exwzd-kk great to hear that your problem is solved!