TechnicJelle / BlueMapMCMapSync

Allow your players to discover your BlueMap more immersively, by syncing with in-game maps!
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Make /bmdiscover redundant #1

Open ryanalexmartin opened 5 months ago

ryanalexmartin commented 5 months ago

Hi, cool plugin. I was thinking that it would perhaps be a better user experience to automatically discover maps in the world, and update Bluemap accordingly. There could perhaps be a task that runs every X minutes to check for new maps in the world, or perhaps sending some kind of event any time a new map is created.

I would like to have a go at making a pull request for this. I opened this issue so I can get any feedback you have for this approach before I start developing it.

TechnicJelle commented 5 months ago

Hi, thanks for using my addon! Feel free to make a PR for this! The reason I didn't do it, was because a command was way simpler to make, and I kind of rushed this plugin. Though I must admit, I'm not a big fan of things running every X amount of time. I always much prefer basing things on events and such. I was originally also planning on supporting "un-discovering" areas, when the map items are deleted or something like that, but that really was way too much effort to do in such a short amount of time. (I gave myself exactly one day to make this plugin)

I'm also not exactly sure if it's a good idea to make all in-game maps discover the BlueMap automatically... Perhaps you could add a configuration option or something so users can choose between having to use the command, and the automatic one?

ryanalexmartin commented 5 months ago


I added a config.yml file to allow users to choose whether or not they want the auto-discover feature