TechnicJelle / BlueMapPlayerPause

[This functionality was added in BlueMap v1.6.2, so this plugin is now redundant!] A Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that pauses the rendering of the map when there are players online
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Feature request: Player Whitelist/Blacklist to pause or resume rendering #1

Open Happyllama25 opened 2 years ago

Happyllama25 commented 2 years ago

Like the title says, a configurable list of players where BlueMap would not render if either those players are online, or if it hits the player limit, and similarly, a list of people that only if that list of players are online then it renders until it hits the player count limit.

Not sure if I'm phrasing this correctly, but for my situation its the following: my game server is running on a raspberry pi 4b with 4gb of ram, since this is a single-board computer with limited CPU, I have it set up so that bluemap will only render if no one is online because if it renders with someone online then it (slightly) lags the server, however, I personally sometimes join the server and leave it in the background, and since its running locally lag doesnt affect me, so I prefer the bluemap to be rendering while I am online, but if I'm offline and another player joins, it would stop rendering.

This is a little hard to understand and explain, if you need a better explanation just ask and I will try and explain it better, if you think this is not "useful" then I dont mind since its a veeery specific use case!

TechnicJelle commented 2 years ago

Let me work out a concept for the config here, and please see if that is what you describe, so I can base the code off of the requirements set by the config.

Proposed config with options and their functions (v1)

Player limit:

Renderpausing player-specific options

Happyllama25 commented 2 years ago

Yeah UUID's are fine, as it wont be modified constantly, and the whitelist and blacklist concept is perfect, so as an example layout: Admin1 would be on the whitelist (or blacklist, might be getting confused here :P), so if Admin1 joins the server BlueMap will continue rendering, when Player1 joins who is not on the whitelist , BlueMap will stop rendering, and then if Admin1 disconnects from the server, but Player1 is still connected, BlueMap will not render until Player1 disconnects.

TechnicJelle commented 2 years ago

Admin1 would be on the whitelist (or blacklist, might be getting confused here :P)

I also thought it was a bit confusing while writing it, so it seems that we'll really need to come up with a better way of describing these two modes… Confusion is not good. Do you have any ideas for this?

The rest seems clear, then, which is good. I do think this will net to quite a bit of work, though, so finding the time to actually implement this will be a little difficult, so I can't promise it'll be added soon..

Happyllama25 commented 2 years ago

To reduce confusion how about just an "Ignore" list, where it will ignore the players listed in it? The second mode where it would only render if specific players are online doesnt seem that useful...

TechnicJelle commented 2 years ago

True, let's just do that then. How does this look?

Proposed config with options and their functions (v2)

Player limit:

The render may continue even if these specific players are online:

Happyllama25 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, that seems good.