TechnicPack / TechnicLauncher

Custom launcher that automatically downloads and updates modpacks
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Debian Wheezy: IndexOutOfBoundsException in launcher #974

Closed andy-twosticks closed 9 years ago

andy-twosticks commented 9 years ago

I ran the launcher as normal, and got an exception. I can't use the launcher now, this is all I get.

 Exception: IndexOutOfBoundsException
    Message: Index: 0, Size: 0

I've just done an update to get steam working that involved pulling an updated libgc from Sid, and probably some other bits too. I didn't think my Java updated, but all the same this is my best guess as to what changed since I last ran the launcher.

The whole error report is automatcially on pastebin of course (clever idea!) at If you need anything else, just say.

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

Hi, it looks like you're having a problem auto-updating your launcher, since this one's a couple weeks old. We made a pretty massive update on Christmas and this older version is trying to communicate with an API that no longer exists. Go ahead and head over to and download the updated version.

andy-twosticks commented 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for the response. I'm sorry that you closed this because while your response was helpful I still can't use the launcher:

andy@blake[~/andy/INBOX]%: java -jar TechnicLauncher.jar 
Settings for exe: /home/andy/andy/INBOX/TechnicLauncher.jar
Portable settings dir: /home/andy/andy/INBOX/technic
Setting up logging

That's all the output I get. No UI, no launcher, nothing. And my daughter has the same problem -- that's actually what I was trying to fix when I found the problem I raised above.

I think maybe this is still an open issue? But if I get no response by morning (GMT) I'll raise it as a seperate ticket.

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

Hi, Andy,

This has been an issue on Linux in cases where the Linux window manager does not have transparent/translucent window support enabled. You can verify this by checking the most recent logs in ~/andy/.technic/logs

While the instructions for enabling that support vary from flavor to flavor and manager to manager, we've noticed a few things:

andy-twosticks commented 9 years ago

Hi again,

Yes, that seems to be the problem here, too:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The window must use a translucency-compatible graphics configuration 
        at java.awt.Window.setOpaque(
        at java.awt.Window$1.setOpaque(
        at com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities.setWindowOpaque(
        at net.technicpack.ui.controls.installation.SplashScreen.<init>(
        at net.technicpack.launcher.LauncherMain.startLauncher(
        at net.technicpack.launcher.LauncherMain.updateAndRelaunch(
        at net.technicpack.launcher.LauncherMain.main(

As far as I am concerned, though, I do have transparency enabled. I'm running compiz, and other apps with translucent options work fine (and not fake transparency either: dragging around a terminal window, for example, shows the view behind the window at all times, not just when I stop dragging).

When you say "start the launcher from the desktop, what exactly are we talking about here? What command should the desktop shortcut execute? (I'm actually running Openbox so I don't have desktop shortcuts, but really that shouldn't make any difference...)

andy-twosticks commented 9 years ago

Ah. Perhaps part of the problem is that I am not running Compiz, but Compton instead. This is the default for CrunchBang, and it may be the default for Debian, too, FAIK.

Making transparency a dependancy for the new launcher is going to cause pain to a lot of Linux users, IMO.

andy-twosticks commented 9 years ago

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: I have resolved the issue at this end. It has nothing to do with transparency or with how you launch java. The error in the log file was (in my case at least) something of a red herring.

I was able to run the technic launcher once I upgraded JRE to 1.7.

On Debian I just did a:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

I have Debian Sid -- Unstable -- in my repository list, so other users might need to do that too. Dunno.

Hope that helps someone...

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

Were you previously on oracle or openjdk?

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

Before the upgrade, I mean.

andy-twosticks commented 9 years ago


CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

You were on 6 previously, or 8? Or just an older version of 7?

andy-twosticks commented 9 years ago

Looks as if I was on what Debian calls "7u3-2.1.7-1". I am now on 7u71-2.5.3-2. I have no idea whether that makes sense to anyone outside of Debian, though.

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

Yeah, it does. the 7u3/7u71 are java terminology.

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

Forgot to update this, but the launcher has supported non-translucent window managers for a few weeks now.

eren123123 commented 9 years ago

Teknik Launcher Hata Raporu: ( Lütfen bu rapor gönder ) Başlatıcısı İnşa: 0 Seçili Pack: Yığın İzleme null: özel Durum: İndexOutOfBoundsException İletisi: Dizin: 0, Boyut: 0 İz: java.açıklama.ArrayList.(Bilinmeyen Kaynak) rangeCheck java.açıklama.ArrayList.(Bilinmeyen Kaynak) org.spoutcraft.başlatıcısı.cilt.NewsComponent.setupArticles(NewsComponent.:60 java) org.spoutcraft.başlatıcısı.cilt.NewsComponent.loadArticles(NewsComponent.:46 java) org.spoutcraft.launcher.Launcher$ Sistem Bilgileri İşletim Sistemi: Windows 7 İşletim Sistemi Versiyon: 6.1 İşletim Sistemi Mimarisi: 86 Java sürümü: 1.8.0_31 32 bit Toplam Bellek: 38 MB Max Bellek: 247 MB boş Bellek: 12 MB İŞLEMCİ Çekirdeği: 2

eren123123 commented 9 years ago

Teknik Launcher Hata Raporu: ( Lütfen bu rapor gönder ) Başlatıcı Oluştur: 0

Seçili Paketi: null Yığın İzleme: Özel Durum: İndexOutOfBoundsException Mesaj: Dizin: 0, Size: 0 İzleme: java.açıklama.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Bilinmeyen Kaynak) java.açıklama.ArrayList.(Bilinmeyen Kaynak) org.spoutcraft.başlatıcısı.cilt.NewsComponent.setupArticles(NewsComponent.:60 java) org.spoutcraft.başlatıcısı.cilt.NewsComponent.loadArticles(NewsComponent.:46 java) org.spoutcraft.başlatıcısı.Launcher 2 dolar.Çalıştır(Başlatıcısı.:105 java)

Sistem Bilgisi: İşletim Sistemi: Windows 7 İşletim Sistemi Versiyon: 6.1 İşletim Sistemi Mimarisi: 86 Java sürümü: 1.8.0_31 32 bit Toplam Hafıza: 38 MB Max Bellek: 247 MB Boş bellek: 12 MB CPU Çekirdek: 2