TechnicPack / TechnicSolder

PHP web app that brings differential updates to the Technic Launcher and Technic Platform
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[Suggestion] Add mods to builds from add mod screen #596

Open Ctrlaltdenied opened 8 years ago

Ctrlaltdenied commented 8 years ago

Just a suggestion.

When adding a mod to the repo, an option at the end (tick boxes) to select which builds/modpacks you want to add the mod to. So you don't need to then manually go into the modpacks and add the mods.

itsfolf commented 8 years ago

Since it'll need to be in the versions tab, there's no where to put it. Maybe a dropdown menu, but it will be a bit "ugly"

skwerlman commented 8 years ago

I don't see how this would work, especially when dealing with multiple very old modpacks with hundreds of builds each.

ctrlaltdeny commented 8 years ago

if it was a drop down list it wouldn't be an issue. but I'm thinking of having an extra page to the form where it lists your builds and you just tick the ones you want to add the mod to and save it. with the typical select all and select none options.

skwerlman commented 8 years ago

A dropdown or even tab with hundreds to thousands of entries is unusable. It'd get cluttered fast, and slow down the entire page. Besides, this only really has utility when creating a new modpack. Once a pack is created, you really shouldn't be making changes to pre-existing builds, since they can only be obtained through a reinstall for users who already installed it.

ctrlaltdeny commented 8 years ago

who has thousands of builds exactly? I'm talking about from the add mod form an extra entry to add said mod directly to a build. when creating a new mod pack you select the mods from a drop down anyways. if I had 3 builds and wanted to add a mod, I'd tick all 3 boxes when doing so and wouldn't need to then go into each build and add them manually.

skwerlman commented 8 years ago

I have at least two packs with >100 builds. I would not be surprised if i had >1000 builds in a couple years. Features should work for not only simple cases (3 builds), but also for extreme cases (>100 builds). Besides, there's still the issue of editing existing builds. While possible, it is ALWAYS a bad idea, and this feature encourages it.

ctrlaltdeny commented 8 years ago

I didn't imagine folk would have a need for hundreds of builds. I have 3 public and 1 development build in the same mod pack. the only difference between the 3 builds is configured files. why would you possibly need that many builds?!

skwerlman commented 8 years ago

People (including me) like to play on old versions of modpacks for various reasons. I make a point of never deleting old builds, so we end up with quite a few.

itsfolf commented 8 years ago

On my old solder db I had a modpack with around 80 builds. Modpacks with a lot of builds aren't that rare.