Technical-13 / HabnaPlugins

TitanBar for LOTRO
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Re-add Shell Commands #27

Open lastsamurai26 opened 6 years ago

lastsamurai26 commented 6 years ago


all of the old commands does not working. Like /titanbar sp and so on.

:( i missing the shards and so on

in the first version of Thorondor2011, he removed all old commands

Technical-13 commented 6 years ago

I have no idea what those old commands were or what they did. Can you give me some details on that and I'll see if I can add at least some of them back in the next iteration of the plugin? Currently just working on fixing the things broken by the recent lua changes in LOTRO core.

Andykr76 commented 6 years ago

The Shell commands were:

/titanbar sc Show/hide Shell Commands window /titanbar di Show/hide Durability control /titanbar pl Show/hide Player location control /titanbar ei Show/hide Equipment control /titanbar opt Show TitanBar options window /titanbar u Unload TitanBar /titanbar r Reload TitanBar /titanbar ra Reset all settings to default /titanbar mi Show/hide Money control /titanbar dp Show/hide Destiny Points control /titanbar bi Show/Hide the Bag control /titanbar pi Show/Hide the Player control /titanbar gt Show/Hide the Time control /titanbar sp Show/Hide the Shards control /titanbar sm Show/Hide the Skirmish marks control /titanbar mp Show/Hide the Medallions control /titanbar sl Show/Hide the Seals control /titanbar cp Show/Hide the Commendations control /titanbar ir Show/Hide the Infamy/renown control /titanbar vt Show/Hide the vault control /titanbar ss Show/Hide the shared storage control /titanbar dn Show/hide the Day & Night control /titanbar ti Show/hide the Track Items control /titanbar rp Show/hide the Reputaion control /titanbar tp Show/hide the Turbine Points control /titanbar wi Show/hide the Wallet control