TechnicalHeadquarter / saycheese

A tool to hack camera from termux, for video tutorial visit my new channel on my old channel Technical Headquarter is banned
GNU General Public License v3.0
184 stars 66 forks source link

[!] Ngrok error, debug: ./ngrok http 3333 :( #9

Open noredlac opened 2 years ago

noredlac commented 2 years ago

Im always receive the erro: [!] Ngrok error, debug: ./ngrok http 3333

TechnicalHeadquarter commented 2 years ago

There are 4 version of ngrok for different devices. Visit there website and get that suitable for your device. I will also post a video on this topic.

noredlac commented 2 years ago

Im testing in KaliLinux, should be work? Or its just compatible with termux?

noredlac commented 2 years ago

Let me share more data.

I already donwload the github data, i already install Ngrock, eve is working fine, but when i execude the bas i receive this: [+] Choose a port forwarder: 2 [+] Starting php server... (localhost:3333)... [+] Starting ngrok... (http 3333)... [!] Ngrok error, debug: ./ngrok http 3333

Citarosoftwarerepairs commented 2 years ago

I also have this problem

Citarosoftwarerepairs commented 2 years ago


   / ___|  __ _ _   _ / ___| |__   ___  ___  ___  ___  
   \___ \ / _` | | | | |   | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \/ __|/ _ \ 
    ___) | (_| | |_| | |___| | | |  __/  __/\__ \  __/ 
   |____/ \__,_|\__, |\____|_| |_|\___|\___||___/\___| 

           .:.: Grab webcam shots by link :.:.

[::] v1.2 coded by @linux_choice [::] [::] v1.2 Moded by [::] [::] Deleted) [::]

     Disclaimer: this tool is designed for security
     testing in an authorized simulated cyberattack
     Attacking targets without prior mutual consent
     is illegal!
      Tested on Latest Versions......
     For Any help search ''

[01] Mirror website [02] Custom template(.html file)

[+] Choose an option: 1 [+] Website (default: [+] Mirroring website with HTTrack...

[+] Starting php server(Turn On Hotspot if on termux) (localhost:3333)... [+] Starting ngrok server(Hotspot must be started) (http 3333)... [!] Ngrok error, debug: ./ngrok http 3333

noredlac commented 2 years ago

@angelluis24 Angelluis24 can you test again, i still have the same issue with your repository

ezaejaejot commented 1 year ago

adakah yg bisa membantu saya

Thorappankochunni22 commented 1 year ago

Ummante kulla

LuffyHAHAH commented 11 months ago

where is the solution

LuffyHAHAH commented 11 months ago

where is the solution

Sadgman commented 10 months ago