TechnicallyCoded / Inventory-Rollback-Plus

Spigot/Bukkit plugin that allows server moderators to restore player items and data from backups.
66 stars 44 forks source link

Feature Request: Support for InventoryPages #135

Closed dudefoxlive closed 1 year ago

dudefoxlive commented 1 year ago

Recently started using a plugin called InventoryPages. It works great but when you die as expected Inventory Rollback Plus doesn't see the other pages. Would there by any possibly that this could be added? Link to plugin

TechnicallyCoded commented 1 year ago

They don't have a GitHub so my answer is required to be no, sorry. I cannot add support for anything without being able to see how it works. Secondly, I assume that this system works by switching out your inventory items while in-game. This effectively means that your inventory is not extended but, instead, handled by another plugin's storage. It would require modifying another plugin's data... and especially without an official API, that's a huge no no.