TechnicallyCoded / NoElytraInRegion

Disable elytras in certain regions
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Coordinates bug #2

Open BearHariYT opened 1 month ago

BearHariYT commented 1 month ago

Example: Region "PvP" is located at coordinates x1:200, y1:0, z1:200 and x2:242, y2:256, z2:242 in the world "Tools". So, I write:


Here's bug: in the other worlds "world", "world_nether", "world_the_end" people can't fly at coordinates x1:200, y1:0, z1:200 and x2:242, y2:256, z2:242 and there is no "pvp" region in these worlds.

TechnicallyCoded commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this! Will be fixed soon

BearHariYT commented 1 month ago

Hey! When should I be expecting the plugin fix?