TechnicianLP / ReAuth

A Mod to Re-Login to Mojang while Minecraft is still running
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Update to 1.17.x and bump version #40

Open cm-360 opened 2 years ago

cm-360 commented 2 years ago

Unofficial update to 1.17.x, there is also no 1.17-Fabric branch on the base repository and I used 1.16-Fabric as a starting point so I figured it was the best place to point this PR.

FracturedCode commented 2 years ago

I was able to build and run with this fork. The author seems to be MIA. I would start maintaining a fork and distributing it myself, but I think that would trample on the "All Rights Reserved" license.

TechnicianLP commented 2 years ago

I was able to build and run with this fork. The author seems to be MIA. I would start maintaining a fork and distributing it myself, but I think that would trample on the "All Rights Reserved" license.

The license does indeed not allow you to redistribute a fork - which in turn also causes legal issues with accepting PRs (which i have yet to work out)

srnyx commented 2 years ago

How can I build this?

FracturedCode commented 2 years ago

How can I build this?

checkout cm-360's 1.17-Fabric branch, open the build.gradle "as project" in intellij, then run the build gradle task. You might have to adjust your compile settings for Java 16. This can be changed in Project Structure and Gradle settings UIs. The binaries can be found under the build/libs folder or something like that.

FracturedCode commented 2 years ago

I was able to build and run with this fork. The author seems to be MIA. I would start maintaining a fork and distributing it myself, but I think that would trample on the "All Rights Reserved" license.

The license does indeed not allow you to redistribute a fork - which in turn also causes legal issues with accepting PRs (which i have yet to work out)

Obviously it is within your right to keep this project under "All Rights Reserved", but I think the easiest way to sort this out would probably be to relicense under MIT or LGPLv3.