AbpFilterParser::ParseDomains(...) does not correctly parse domains. Presently there is an if statement that makes two branches, one where there is a list of domains (| character is present) or not. In the latter, the whole string is consumed as the domain. However, this should not be the case. Any pipe delimited domain list should be consumed between the presence of pipe characters, then the remainder should be consumed as a domain entry. This would handle both list and non-list domain options correctly.
does not correctly parse domains. Presently there is an if statement that makes two branches, one where there is a list of domains (|
character is present) or not. In the latter, the whole string is consumed as the domain. However, this should not be the case. Any pipe delimited domain list should be consumed between the presence of pipe characters, then the remainder should be consumed as a domain entry. This would handle both list and non-list domain options correctly.