TechnionYP5777 / Bugquery

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Change Eclipse to group similar imports to * #108

Closed yonzarecki closed 7 years ago

yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

As Yossi suggested, should be an option in eclipse. I will look for it and publish my findings to the rest of the group.

yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

After looking up this feature in this SO question and playing with when the * is added (after how many imports java.lang.Math = 3), I've decided forcing this feature on our project will not be beneficial.

Specific imports helps the coder understand which components his code is using, and this is in my opinion is more important than saving a few lines of code.

If this discussion comes up again, the most reasonable values for cutting the imports are 2 for static imports and 4 for all other imports.