TechnionYP5777 / Bugquery

Bug query
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Explore options of keeping the user within eclipse when using the product #147

Closed yonzarecki closed 7 years ago

yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

Currently after every button press the client is shipped to the browser. We want to explore options of keeping him in eclipse, such a quick answers on markers (#138) and opening a browser window within eclipse, etc.

mdoron commented 7 years ago

My comment in #143 holds here too. I think the a BugQuery menu with option "Open BugQuery in browser" and maybe a shortcut would be great. Then we can loose the auto-browsing.

yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

Adi's opinion is clear in this matter, we DON'T want the client to remain in eclipse and send him\her to the website whenever possible. This is contradictory to Tanya's opinion, but Adi is the client and we will go by his say.