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Vacations #71

Closed mdoron closed 7 years ago

mdoron commented 7 years ago

Notice: you should announce vacation on the group's Telegram group / post a comment here. You may edit this comment.

Member Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Week8 Week9 Week10 Week11 Week12 Week13
Amit Ohayon :tada: :tada:
Doron Meshulam :tada: :tada:
Entony Lekhtman :tada: :tada:
Roded Zats :tada: :tada:
Yonatan Zarecki :tada: :tada:
Yosef Raisman :tada: :tada:
Ziv Izhar :tada: :tada:
yossigil commented 7 years ago

I think the team was off on week1

yossigil commented 7 years ago

@AdiOmari : I asked @mdoron to take care of the vacation issue. I don't think he did much.

mdoron commented 7 years ago

I opened this issue and anyone should fill this out since I'm new to this team and don't know what's going on here. I talked to some members and actually except Roded and Zarecki no one really knows if you put the whole team on vacation on the first and second week or not.

yossigil commented 7 years ago

Doron: this is your opportunity. Connect personally with each team member to introduce yourself and please mark the team off at week1

yosefraisman commented 7 years ago

Respectfully, we weren't off the first week; we did work independently and also as a team (as one can tell by the meeting minuets in our wiki). Our so-called "vacation" was decided after 2 members arrived late to the course meeting. Apart from that, ours was one of the teams with the best attendance: 5 out of 6 members showed up - only Ziv couldn't make it, because of a family event. The mild lateness of two team members (they got there within the first ten minutes) doesn't constitute a vacation in my opinion, definitely not a week-long vacation at that. (It also doesn't warrant the response of the lecturer, who marked us, on a whim, as missing four members - we were missing one). Also- three team members were there on time, why should they be punished? Please reconsider @yossigil @AdiOmari

yossigil commented 7 years ago

As usual, it is tough to fix the broken, then doing it right the first time...And, it looks as if nothing was really done:

No commits, no real issue activity and zilch work on the telegram work. There might have been work, but invisible work does not count. The lesson is: only visible, demonstrable work counts. If you had meetings and did not publish minutes, they are hard to count.



In fact, looking at what you did, I am not too convinced that you did not take a second break this week. You may try to convince me otherwise.