TechnionYP5777 / Bugquery

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Stack trace comparison algorithm #8

Closed AdiOmari closed 7 years ago

AdiOmari commented 7 years ago


In this issue we will document the algorithm we use to compare two stack traces and calculate their similarity.

Please make sure you list here all the main points we agree on during our meeting.

AdiOmari commented 7 years ago

@zvili zvi, can you please resend roded @rodedzats an invitation to join the project and assign him to our team.

zvili commented 7 years ago


yossigil commented 7 years ago

Just to mention the obvious "editing distance"

yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

Here's a list of implementations of the Levenshtein distance (editing distance)

yossigil commented 7 years ago

If you search, you find one in the spartanizer, called LCS

yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

Added weighted line distance-metric and Jaccard distance-metric. For now, we decided to not use the edit distance, as we realized it does not fit for ST comparison in its basic form.

yossigil commented 7 years ago

Makes sense. Note that the head of the stack is more important than its bottom, at least for some applications.

yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

@yossigil You are right, and weights in the WeightLinesSTDistancer class the implementation give more weight to lines at the head of the stack.

yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

During our meeting, we decided to continue to work on the stack-trace (ST) comparison algorithm. We need to further improve our algorithm, starting by making the distance normalized (as suggested by yossi). Also we need implement a sorting algorithm that sorts according to the ST distance.

yossigil commented 7 years ago

@yonzarecki , please note that the distance can be approximated in SUB linear time.

I am not convinced at all that it is a good idea to start with the metric. I would implement a crude algorithm and then see what's best.

rodedzats commented 7 years ago

We need to check the effectiveness on actual data, so the milestone is delayed to next weekly meeting (5th)

yossigil commented 7 years ago


yonzarecki commented 7 years ago

Closing the issue for now. Will re-open it when needed.

yossigil commented 7 years ago

Better to start new issues than close/open