TechnionYearlyProject / TheDoors

Solving the Door Permissions Problem
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Meeting 1/11 #7

Closed ilana1115 closed 6 years ago

ilana1115 commented 6 years ago

Protocol of the meeting Date: 1/11/17. Hour: 17:30 Wrote: Ilana Levitan Participants: Tom, Ilana, Stav, Yarin, Elasaf, Kobi, Aviad


  1. Tom will do wikly_log for everyone
  2. Project Presentation: 24.12
  3. Everyone can take a vacation of week [week: Sunday-Friday]. Must announce everyone.

The Project:

Admin interface: -log in -data base: contain en Excel about the workers with the following parameters: name, family, id, role, entering permissions (1 for manager; 2 for regular worker). The interface will know how to read/ write/ change the Excel file. Simulation that can be configured: -change the size of the simulation -parameters: use probability -show results in time sections. (For example, 60% of the workers come to work at 9). -notification at real time about rooms with full occupation and empty rooms. -Enter basic information about rooms: (entrance permission, maximum people in room)

Worker interface: -Advice best room for worker based on his previous preferences and real time occupation of rooms. -dining room!

Tasks until 6/11 in 12:30 -Think about ways to do the application (maybe in WEB); the simulation can be in JAVA/C++ -Try to break into modules.

Group meeting (without Tom) will at Sunday 5/11 at 12:30-14:30