TechnitiumSoftware / DnsServer

Technitium DNS Server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update envs in docker-compose.yml #885

Closed anonhostpi closed 2 months ago

anonhostpi commented 3 months ago

Added the new env var to compose.yml and an explanatory blurb for it. Added newlines to delimit the WEB_SERVICE envs for easier readability.

Specified that that when used in Docker, this new var is only recommended for use with "host" network mode. Reasoning:

Docker's builtin NAT and firewall already offers network-level security, and the container's internal IP address is typically assigned automatically by the Docker host. Using this var in non-host mode Docker environments will likely break the compose file especially if the user is unfamiliar with the var's purpose. The main reason for using this variable in a Docker environment is that Docker's NAT (and firewall) is not available in host mode. So, you would likely want to protect the host mode web ui with a reverse proxy by pointing to an internal IP address instead of Docker's NAT.

See #877

ShreyasZare commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the PR. Had missed updating the docker compose file with the last release.

anonhostpi commented 2 months ago

What was the reasoning for merging it into the develop branch out of curiosity? There only seems to be 3 commits in it.

ShreyasZare commented 2 months ago

What was the reasoning for merging it into the develop branch out of curiosity? There only seems to be 3 commits in it.

Its a convention being followed where the master branch represents the exact copy of last release. Any updates are first committed in develop branch and only merged into master during the next release.