TechnitiumSoftware / DnsServer

Technitium DNS Server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request Sort/Filter DHCP Reserved Leases #889

Open xrxca opened 3 months ago

xrxca commented 3 months ago

I've seen lots of requests to filter the Leases tab, but what would really help me would be the ability to Sort/Filter the Reserved Leases table. With lots of reserved leases it can be an issue to find an item you want to change/delete, I usually end up using the browsers search, but that doesn't help when you want to add a new reserved lease and don't remember the last IP used which is where the ability to sort by IP address would really help.

And a minor suggestion, an additional menu option for a dynamic lease would be nice, in addition to "Convert to Reserved Lease" a "Create Reserved Lease" option which would pop up an entry window with Host Name, MAC Address, IP Address, and Comments fields pre-populated where possible, the assigned dynamic address may not be the final address for a new device, and I usually want to add a comment. A reserved lease in the list could have an 'Edit Reserved Lease' option in the menu along the same lines.

A lot of this type of thing I'm currently scripting using the API (Thanks for that by the way), but it would be nice if the front end was a bit friendlier on the DHCP side. And if your reworking the DHCP section as some of the comments seem to indicate, I'd suggest separating the Reserved Leases from the Scope configuration, once setup the scope config is rarely modified, just the reserved leases.

ShreyasZare commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the request and feedback. As you have read, the DHCP server is planned to have a major update so these features and option would be planned accordingly with that.