TechnitiumSoftware / DnsServer

Technitium DNS Server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[ Feature Request ] Have UI page state across refresh #895

Open lue30499 opened 2 months ago

lue30499 commented 2 months ago


This is not a very important feature, just a nice-to-have.

I was wondering if the webpage can, on refresh of the webpage, stay on the same page. For example, if I'm in the zone edit page, and I hit Control+R, I get placed on the dashboard.

Maybe adding pathing in the URL so that the web UI knows where to reload too? Like examples: <proto>://<host>:<port>/zone/<zone-id>/<edit|permissions|options> <proto>://<host>:<port>/admin/<users>/<user-id>/<details>

I'm aware that some pages allow me to click a refresh button or a search button that reloads content, but habitually I press Control+R.

Just an idea.


ShreyasZare commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the post. This feature is already requested in This will use bookmarks in links to allow using browser navigation buttons and refresh.

I'm aware that some pages allow me to click a refresh button or a search button that reloads content, but habitually I press Control+R.

The DNS web app is designed such that you do not have to refresh the entire web page for any reason. The contents either update automatically when you click on the "tabs" to navigate or in some sections there is explicit refresh option to reload data. In edit zone page, there is refresh button right next to the zone's domain name, for example.

lue30499 commented 2 months ago

Hi Shreyas,

I understand. I am aware of the buttons and tabs to refresh.

The other reason is when auth expires (I would not like to disable and keep security) it will also dump me on the dashboard. If state was saved, after I log in again I can be in the same page as before the auth expires.

But again. Not important and is a duplicate. So you can close.
