TechnitiumSoftware / Mesh

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Private Chat not working #3

Open kalpesh2804 opened 4 years ago

kalpesh2804 commented 4 years ago

If I tried to connect using private chat - it will not delivered any message and profile picture disappear.

ShreyasZare commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Please provide more details to understand the issue:

Do add any more details that you can to help understand the issue.

kalpesh2804 commented 4 years ago

Are both users in same LAN or are connected via Internet? Answer : both connected via local wifi network

Are both users online at the same time? Answer : both user online at same time.

Did the other user receive private chat invitation message? Answer : no message received in private chat. no invitation message and profile picture disappear.

If invitation was received and chat was switched to online mode, did both the users connect at lease once? Answer : If we delete private chat invitation then it switch back to online mode.

Does group chat option work between same users? Answer : yes, group chat working fine and also file can send and receive.

ShreyasZare commented 4 years ago

I did run private chat tests and it works as intended.

Did the other user receive private chat invitation message? Answer : no message received in private chat. no invitation message and profile picture disappear.

Can you describe steps that you did to start a new private chat invitation to your friend? Also, profile picture disappears from where? If you can add a screenshot for both users it will be best to understand.

If invitation was received and chat was switched to online mode, did both the users connect at lease once? Answer : If we delete private chat invitation then it switch back to online mode.

The online/offline mode is for individual chats. The app does not have online/offline mode. If you delete the private chat then there is nothing that exists for that chat and your peers will see that you just went offline.

Does group chat option work between same users? Answer : yes, group chat working fine and also file can send and receive.

Then it seems the network is working well and there is some minor thing with private chat.

kalpesh2804 commented 4 years ago

I am using my 2 laptop for chat. Laptop1 and Laptop2. I am sending private chat invitation from Laptop1 to Laptop2.

I am filling userid (40 character), user name, Invitation message and checkbox uncheck/check - both tried and click on Add Button.

User name added in Left side list but message not delivered and friend's profile picture disappeared from laptop1. profile picture appear again in right side list if delete private chat from left side list.


ShreyasZare commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the details.

The "People" list which shows profile of participants is specific to that chat you are in. The profile picture is not disappearing as you are thinking, its just that you see the same profile in the other chat. When you switch from another group chat where the user is online to private chat where the user is not yet connected then it will look like profile picture "disappeared".

From the screenshot, it looks like the initial connection to the other user is not yet made and thus the invitation message is not yet delivered. I would suggest that you cross check the user ID used for the private chat invitation with the user ID that is displayed in other user's My Profile window. Note that you cannot reuse the user ID that you see in group chat for sending invitation to that user as its a privacy feature to stop people in group from sending private chat invitations.