TechnologyRediscovery / codenforce

municipal code enforcement database application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tax status code utility table #132

Closed edarsow closed 4 years ago

edarsow commented 4 years ago


The Tax status of a property is so important that it deserves more infrastructure in the database to facilitate assigning a permanent classification of "tax status" to a property. There are two approaches that come to mind:

Design ideas

  1. Attach a tax status field to the property table such that each property has a single current tax status indicator that becomes part of the master property record. This would probably involve creating a utility table whose records correspond to a single discrete tax status, such as "unpaid-unverified", "unpaid-verified", "current", etc.
  2. Instead of attaching tax status directly to the property, we instead assess the tax status with each external data update, in which case we'd create a foreign key field on the current 'propertyexternaldata` table that links to the utility table described above.

The advantage of the first approach is it's less ambiguous from an interpretation standpoint, since the second approach involves assessing a series of scraped status. The second approach allows us to experiment with the classification scheme without touching the highly sensitive property table.


1:DB status table

Use existing status tables as a guide, such as propertystatus, to create a script that births a new table image

We might also think about just using the propertystatus table and include tax status records in there alongside the other classifications, such as "large-scale rental".

3: Populate table

Write a simple set of INSERT statements to load up the status table with sensible initial values

4: Link to status table

Create corresponding foreign key columns in either the property or propertyexternaldata table based on your design. Write a script to make the links.

5: Logic script

Write a python function/module that can interpret the scraped data about taxes and assign a sensible status code to the record. As usual, append any necessary notes to the notes field to capture a record of how the script determined tax status, by writing a note such as "found UNPAID in county scrape"

6: Test like hell

Squash bugs!

snapperVibes commented 4 years ago

Edited tax status design proposal:

-- Tax status table. Only scraped data goes here.

create table if not exists taxstatus(
    taxstatusid         int primary key, -- sequence
    year                int,
    paidstatus          text,
    tax                 decimal,
    penalty             decimal,
    interest            decimal,
    total               decimal,
    datepaid            date

Taxcode (as given by the WPRDC) belongs as an attribute to property. alter table property add column taxcode char(1);

propertyexternaldata will have a reference to taxstatus_taxstatusid. property will not reference taxstatus because changes to property require a code officer's input.

Changes to propertyexternaldata

alter table propertyexternaldata
   add column taxstatus_taxstatusid int references taxstatus(taxstatusid),
   drop column tax,
   drop column taxsubcode,  -- Does not seem important but there's no harm to keeping it if you want
   drop column taxstatus,
   drop column taxstatusyear;
   -- we do not drop taxcode as changes are notable but need code officer approval on property

I've updated most of the code necessary for these changes to work with my scripts. I am hoping for design input before I get the go-ahead to make changes on the production server.