TechnologyRediscovery / codenforce

municipal code enforcement database application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improvement suggestions improvement suggestions #184

Open edarsow opened 3 years ago

edarsow commented 3 years ago

Some ideas of metrics to track:

Changes to the tables can be made by writing a SQL script that gets pushed to the codeconnect/database/patches directory and submitted as a pull request to the recovered branch.

Notes from Joanne and Sean conference 20-APR'21

JL: Tickets can be classified as major and minor. Does this seem correct. Something not working would be more of a priority than feature suggestion

  1. Mission-Critical: The deployed system is broken in an important way
  2. Minor Bug: There's something not working correctly, but it doesn't block critical work
  3. Feature Idea: Something user would like to see the system do SG Notes: In the past, the IT department categorized JL: I'd also like to know your take on the priority so we can adapt to your realities. So this would be a two-phase report: what actually is happening, and what user believes should be happening SG: I take a lot of screen shots. JL: Would multiple attachments be meaningful? SG: I'm trying to capture information in one spot so we can recreate the workflow

Notes: Associate features with a product release

ECD: Needs planned release schedule (perhaps 2-week schedules, which sprint to associate them with) PS: Releases emerge from sprint dates JL: The spreadsheet ticket/issue tracking can become the skeleton for our DB tables and Java Business Objects ECD: Develop rudimentary keying schema among our Grant deliverables, activities supporting those deliverables, the releases in which we plan to have feature X or Y included, and perhaps github issue links/numbers

edarsow commented 2 years ago

This issue was tabled incident to grant madness and Joanne starting grad school in DC

edarsow commented 2 years ago

Migrated: Brainstormed Ideas for Help System:

A learning object represents a self-contained unit of instruction about a process or feature Written tutorial Audio and/or Video tutorials (ADA compliant pages can provide audio only) Annotated screen shots Role-based training consists of relevant learning objects for that role Body of documentation should be searchable by keyword and return results across all objects/roles Documentation components should be printable and web accessible (Ideally, PDF export) Feature change requests should be tracked such that necessary changes to documentation of those features are bundled in the same tracking workflow. Documentation processes should also respond to version releases "What's new" notices should allow users to understand changes as they happen Design principle: Don't repeat documentation in different objects, instead, break a multi-faceted object into smaller objects that can be arranged as needed. Example: managers may need less or more information than direct user of the process Eventual integration into a normalized relational database