TechnologyRediscovery / codenforce

municipal code enforcement database application
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 3 forks source link

Getting your feet wet in Java java Land #229

Open edarsow opened 2 years ago

edarsow commented 2 years ago

Official documentation on Java EE

Oracle has a decent set of starter applications and introduction to Java ServerFaces. This Link is to the Java EE 7 documentation home. You might find the Web tier, JSF specific page the most helpful

CnF Specific stack

Start by reading a stack of classes: from the xhtml down to integration Check out prime faces showcase Start with CE Case profile Then go read the backing bean that drives the page: CECaseSearchProfileBB Then the coordinator of all things cases: CaseCoordinator Then go down to the integration: the only code that talks to the DB lives in an Integration class, like CaseIntegrator