TechnologyRediscovery / codenforce

municipal code enforcement database application
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 3 forks source link

Hints for Issue #1184: Code Guide UI #231

Closed edarsow closed 2 years ago

edarsow commented 2 years ago

What is the code guide?

The code guide provides code officers information about how to enforce and inspect an ordinance. The content of the current code guide came from Greg Bachy (sp?) in Swissvale during meetings with officers back in 2017-2018 time frame.

How is it structured?

The db table codeelementguide contains 8 fields, the two most important of which are enforcementguidelines and inspectionguidelines which contain text/HTML concerning how to inspect or enforce an ordinance. We render render these fields in the browser like other text fields with an element except we set the attribute escape="false" so whatever HTML tags that are in the guide text get interpreted by the browser as actual structural instructions .

Each guide entry also has a category and subcategory which, interestingly

edarsow commented 2 years ago

It's actually done!