Technopathic / ReMark-Old

A Blogging Platform with a built-in Feed Aggregator. Built with AngularJS and Laravel.
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No install #1

Closed adeleglise closed 7 years ago

adeleglise commented 8 years ago

Hi guys,

I've just installed ReMark, following instructions (

There's no "install" in the remark folder, so I can't finish the installation.

I'm on Debian jessie, apache 2.4.10, mysql 5.5, php7, npm 6.

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

Hi there! Thanks for trying out ReMark.

When you go to "http://yourwebsite/install", can you open your browser's developer console and show me a screenshot of any errors on that page? That would help greatly.

If you've moved the contents of the ReMark project folder to a different folder, be sure that the .env and the .bowerrc files were also moved with them. The .bowerrc file puts the bower_components folder in the correct folder when running 'bower install' (The bower_components folder must be in the 'public' folder after running 'bower install').

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

Also, I just updated the Quick Start Guide to include another chmod requirement for JWT.

adeleglise commented 8 years ago

Hi ! Thanks for your answer.

Here is the screenshot, also i didn't move anything.

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

I'm not particularly familiar with the way Apache finds root folders, but try going to 'http://yourwebsite/public/install' instead.

adeleglise commented 8 years ago

It's part of the question i want to ask you : what the documentroot should be ?

I've tried with public/install, and it's not working either.

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

What is your current document root set to? ReMark's server back-end is built with Laravel, so the virtual host config should be the same. Your document root and directory should be something like: "/myhome/myprojects/ReMark/public". This guide should explain it better:

I did a quick Apache install without a virtual host. If you didn't create a virtual host for your ReMark app, then you should still be able to access it in your browser at: 'http://localhost/ReMark/public'

adeleglise commented 8 years ago

I've changed the virtualhost to serve /var/www/remark/public. It works.

Unfortunately I still cant access /install

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

Be sure that mod rewrite and mcrypt are enabled, and 'AllowOverride' is set to 'all' in the virtual host.

sudo a2enmod rewrite

php5enmod mcrypt

Then restart the apache2 service.

I've updated the guide again. I'll be making tutorial videos for installing ReMark on a LAMP and LNMP stack soon.

adeleglise commented 8 years ago


I've activate the mod_rewrite for apache.

I'm using php7, so the command is phpenmod. I've activated the mcrypt module.

I still cant access "install".

What I'm wondering is : where is the install file ? I've no install file inside the public folder.

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

The 'install.html' file is located in the 'ReMark/public/views/ folder. It's routed by AngularJS, so it sounds like a front-end error. Try running 'bower install' again in the ReMark root and check that the bower_components folder is located in the 'ReMark/public' folder afterwards. I noticed some errors being thrown with moment.js yesterday, but it should be resolved now.

If that doesn't work, show me the errors on the "Console" tab in the developer tools. console

adeleglise commented 8 years ago

Here is the content of ReMark root, and public folders : Here are the screenshot of the root site, and the /install :

By the way, the "bower install" run without errors.

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

Just performed an installation with PHP7. Were there any errors via composer install? I've also updated the Quickstart Guide with a list of required PHP modules. You can check these modules using php -m.

adeleglise commented 8 years ago

composer install returns no error.

Here is the php -m output :

[PHP Modules] calendar Core ctype date dom exif fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv json libxml mbstring mcrypt mysqli mysqlnd openssl pcntl pcre PDO pdo_mysql Phar posix readline Reflection session shmop SimpleXML sockets SPL standard sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter xsl Zend OPcache zlib

[Zend Modules] Zend OPcache

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

I haven't been able to replicate the issue, but it looks like index.php is not being accessed at all. Can you verify that the DirectoryIndex is set to index.php? Even if it's set to index.html, the .htaccess should redirect to index.php either way.

adeleglise commented 8 years ago

Here is the vhost, I've configured it with the less options I could :

adeleglise commented 8 years ago


do you have an idea on what is going on ?

Technopathic commented 8 years ago

I matched your versions and configs on a new server and didn't come up with a problem. Have you tried doing a standard Laravel installation and verifying the welcome page comes up correctly? That would help me pin down the problem.

w00p commented 7 years ago

Hi, i have something strange going on in the dashboard / content: take a looK.

Any idea why? When i install ReMark it ask me of what Angular version i want, what to choose?

Technopathic commented 7 years ago

@w00p I will look into the dashboard / Content page when I return home.

As for the Angular Version, when asked, you should install the latest Angular 1.x version. It will be the one that says "required by remark".

Edit: The version should say "angular#^1.5.6", but resolves to 1.5.8. It is still the one that says "required by remark".

The Angular 1.x front-end for ReMark will become depreciated soon as I move towards a React front-end.