Technyze / XIVHotbar2

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Scholar Strategems not recognized as job actions #10

Open Alyindar opened 1 year ago

Alyindar commented 1 year ago

Several of my jobs.LUA has the following code:

xivhotbar_keybinds_job['SCH'] = {
    {'b 2 10', 'ja', 'Light Arts', 'me', 'L.Arts'},
    {'b 2 11', 'ja', 'Dark Arts', 'me', 'D.Arts'},
xivhotbar_keybinds_job['Light Arts'] = {
    {'b 2 12', 'ja', 'Accession', 'me', 'Acces.'},
xivhotbar_keybinds_job['Dark Arts'] = {
    {'b 2 12', 'ja', 'Manifestation', 'me', 'Manifest.'},

Unfortunately when I change to Light Arts/Dark Arts stances, the Accession or Manifestation actions do not show up on the bar. I tried other Strategems such as Penury or even Addendum: White to no effect. The only way I can make these work is by using an input command: {'b 2 12', 'input', '/ja "Accession" <me>', '', 'Access.'}, I went through the ability_descriptions.lua library, and confirmed that Accession is listed as [730] and Manifestation as [734], so I'm not sure what is preventing xivhotbar2 from recognizing these as job actions.

VengefulRacoon commented 1 year ago

Not the dev, but to make them work for me it took a bit of trial and error (on my whm/sch) I had to place them like so and the hotbars work just fine:

xivhotbar_keybinds_job['Base'] = {

  {'battle 4 11', 'ja', 'Dark Arts', 'me', 'D.Arts'},
  {'battle 4 12', 'ja', 'Light Arts', 'me', 'L.Arts'},


xivhotbar_keybinds_job['SCH'] = {


-------------------------- ARTS -----------------
----------- LIGHT
xivhotbar_keybinds_job['Light Arts'] = {
    {'battle 3 9', 'ja', 'Penury', 'me', 'LessMP'},
    {'battle 3 10', 'ja', 'Addendum: White', 'me', 'WHT',},
    {'battle 3 11', 'ja', 'Celerity', 'me', 'LessCast',},
    {'battle 3 12', 'ja', 'Accession', 'me', 'AoE',},
---------------------------------------------------------------- 55 and above
    {'battle 2 9', 'ja', 'Rapture', 'me', 'Enh.WHT',},
    {'battle 2 10', 'ja', 'Altruism', 'me', 'Inc.WHT',},
    {'battle 2 11', 'ja', 'Tranquility', 'me', 'Enmity',},
    {'battle 2 12', 'ja', 'Perpetuance', 'me', 'Enh.Dur',},

----------- DARK
xivhotbar_keybinds_job['Dark Arts'] = {
    {'battle 3 9', 'ja', 'Parsimony', 'me', 'LessMP'},
    {'battle 3 10', 'ja', 'Addendum: Black', 'me', 'DRK'},
    {'battle 3 11', 'ja', 'Alacrity', 'me', 'LessCast'},
    {'battle 3 12', 'ja', 'Manifestation', 'me', 'AoE'},
---------------------------------------------------------------- 55 and above
    {'battle 2 9', 'ja', 'Ebullience', 'me', 'Enh.DRK'},
    {'battle 2 10', 'ja', 'Focalization', 'me', 'Inc.DRK'},
    {'battle 2 11', 'ja', 'Equanimity', 'me', 'Enmity'},
    {'battle 2 12', 'ja', 'Immanence', 'me', 'Chain'},

Hope this helps.

Alyindar commented 1 year ago

Thanks @VengefulRacoon that was a good work around! I removed the SCH section entirely, and now the job actions in the light arts/dark arts sections are working correctly. So the bug doesn't seem to be that strategems aren't recognized as job actions, but the strategems are ignored if there is a SCH job section.

DyzzyGIT commented 6 months ago

This didn't seem to fix the issue for me for some reason.