This repo is for the website for Techtonica, a nonprofit tech training program that helps women and non-binary adults with low incomes overcome barriers into tech careers.
2. Fill in the `[sandbox]` values. You will need to log into **** and create an application (if you haven't already) in order to get the necessary tokens and ids. From there, you can access the dashboard and the API explorer to test payment routes. You'll also need to fill in the `slack_webhook` value with the correct key as well.
### Testing
1. Go to `<base url>/payment-form`
2. Fill out the form inputs
3. Use this card test input for a "successful transaction"
4. Submit
- [ ] You should see a "Payment successful!" message appear below
- [ ] On the Square developer dashboard, check the api logs and you should see a successful transaction with a matching timestamp
- [ ] In the appropriate slack channel, you should see a message sharing the values you input with a matching timestamp
**Remaining steps**
- [ ] Updating README documentation
- [ ] Adding additional field to job posting form
- [ ] Price selection(?)
- [ ] Adding website copy with user instructions
- [ ] Link to form on website
- [ ] Adding a frontend success message for successful slack notification
Reference materials:
Initial Set Up Instructions
containing this:[production] square_application_id = production_application_id square_access_token = production_access_token square_location_id = production_location_id
[sandbox] square_application_id =
square_access_token =
square_location_id =
[slack] slack_webhook =