Tecnativa / docker-socket-proxy

Proxy over your Docker socket to restrict which requests it accepts
Apache License 2.0
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Error accessing proxy from traefik #94

Open lonix1 opened 11 months ago

lonix1 commented 11 months ago

I'm using this with traefik and it works like a charm.

...Except when it doesn't. For example, when I must update services, and then restart traefik. Then traefik restarts without error, and the container becomes "healthy". But requests to services time out.

I thought it was a traefik problem. Then I checked the logs, and every time I have this issue I see something like this:

time="2023-07-17T07:44:45+03:00" level=error msg="Provider connection error error during connect: Get \"http://tecnativa:2375/v1.24/version\": dial tcp: lookup tecnativa on no such host, retrying in 9.503388201s" providerName=docker

The "no such host" part is incorrect, because the tecnativa container is working, and reported as "healthy". I wonder what that v1.24 is?

The only solution is to restart both traefik and tecnativa (and sometimes other services which are served by traefik!)

I am using the most recent official tecnativa release 0.1.1. And docker 24.0.4 on debian.

Any ideas?

salsugair commented 11 months ago

I am facing the same issue