Tecnativa / doodba-copier-template

A Copier template for Doodba projects
Boost Software License 1.0
84 stars 114 forks source link

Issue subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '/opt/odoo/common/entrypoint.d/40-addons-link' returned non-zero exit status 1. #40

Closed carlosecv closed 4 years ago

carlosecv commented 4 years ago

I cant get work my first copier doodba instance, i follow all this steps and I got ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE From http://localhost:11069/

copier copy gh:Tecnativa/doodba-copier-template ~/Documentos/Desarrollo/proyecto11 Tell me who you are. If private modules do not include this author, pylint will warn you.

projectauthor? Format: str 🎤 [Tecnativa]: RealSystems What's your project name? Do not use dots or spaces in the name; just "A-Za-z0-9-" please.

project_name? Format: str 🎤 [myproject-odoo]: rsproject-odoo It's important to use a good license for your project. In https://choosealicense.com/ you can read details about most common FOSS ones. In https://www.odoo.com/documentation/user/13.0/legal/licenses/licenses.html you can find other propietary licenses we support in this scaffolding. Make a wise choice! So, what's your project's license?

project_license? Format: yaml 🎤 (1) No license (2) Apache License 2.0 (3) Boost Software License 1.0 (4) GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) 3.0 or later (5) GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL) 3.0 or later (6) MIT license (7) Odoo Enterprise Edition License v1.0 (8) Odoo Proprietary License v1.0 Choice [3]: 4 If you host this project in Gitlab, then please enter here the project URL. It must have no trailing slash. 💡 If you don't use Gitlab, leave this empty and ignore all other Gitlab questions. Example: https://gitlab.com/Tecnativa/your-doodba-project.

gitlab_url? Format: str 🎤 [None]: Write the main production domain for this project. Only the domain, no protocol or things like that. Example: www.example.com

domain_prod? Format: str 🎤 [None]: Write a list of alternative domains that should produce a 301 redirection to the main domain. Example: [example.com, www.example.org, example.org]

domain_prod_alternatives? Format: yaml 🎤 [None]: Write the test domain for this project. Only the domain, no protocol or things like that. Example: demo.example.com

domain_test? Format: str 🎤 [None]: Tell me the list of paths which where you want to forbid crawlers. Imagine you do not want your /shop and /shop/** pages to be indexed. Then put here [/shop]. ⚠️ It must be a list. And this is only supported if you deploy with Traefik. 💡 We will convert this to Path rules. Check valid syntax in https://docs.traefik.io/routing/routers/#rule

paths_without_crawlers? Format: yaml 🎤 [['/web', '/website/info']]: If you need to whitelist certain CIDR to allow only them to access your Odoo instance, set that here please. ⚠️ It must be a list. And this is only supported if you deploy with Traefik 2+.

cidr_whitelist? Format: yaml 🎤 [None]: On which odoo version is it based?

odoo_version? Format: float 🎤 (1) 7.0 (2) 8.0 (3) 9.0 (4) 10.0 (5) 11.0 (6) 12.0 (7) 13.0 Choice [7]: 5 If you want to initialize Odoo automatically in a specific language, write it here. The format must be ll_CC where ll is the language code and CC is the country code. Examples: en_US, es_ES, es_VE...

odoo_initial_lang? Format: str 🎤 [en_US]: If you are using an OCI/Docker image registry (such as the Docker Hub, Quay or Gitlab registry) to publish the Odoo images that will be built with this Doodba project, specify here the path to the odoo image built with it. Leave it empty if you are not using a registry. Example: docker.io/myteam/example-odoo

odoo_oci_image? Format: str 🎤 [None]: Do you want to list databases publicly?

odoo_listdb? Format: bool 🎤? [y/N] y 💡 To auto-generate strong passwords, see https://ddg.gg/?q=password+64+strong ⚠️ This password is critical for security, especially if you have set odoo_listdb to true, so keep it safe. What will be your odoo admin password?

odoo_admin_password? Format: str 🎤 [example-admin-password]: Set your Odoo db filter. It must be a regexp that matches the domain name being visited. It is useful if you use Odoo in SaaS mode.

odoo_dbfilter? Format: str 🎤 [.*]: ⚠️ Using a misconfigured proxy for production can create a security hole. Using none can create performance problems. Which proxy will you use to deploy odoo?

odoo_proxy? Format: yaml 🎤 (1) No proxy (dangerous for production) (2) Traefik (3) Other proxy (it's up to you!) Choice [2]: 2 Which PostgreSQL version do you want to deploy?

postgres_version? Format: yaml 🎤 (1) I will use an external PostgreSQL server (2) 9.6 (3) 10 (4) 11 (5) 12 Choice [5]: 4 Which user name will be used to connect to the postgres server?

postgres_username? Format: str 🎤 [odoo]: 💡 If database names differ among environments, operations like restoring a database from an alien environment will be harder to maintain, but can provide additional security. It's up to you. We default to "prod" for historical reasons. What is going to be the main database name?

postgres_dbname? Format: str 🎤 [prod]: What will be your postgres user password?

postgres_password? Format: str 🎤 [example-db-password]: Now, let's start configuring outgoing mail. In case an email coming out from odoo doesn't have a valid From: header address, which address should be the default one that sends the email?

smtp_default_from? Format: str 🎤 [None]: ⚠️ If you leave this answer empty, all next SMTP settings will be ignored. If you supply a valid SMTP host, production Odoo will be able to send emails without needing to configure any ir.mail_server record, because Doodba will configure it to use a mail relay that will manage a local mail queue before sending it to the real SMTP endpoint (saving your mails from bad network conditions). The same relay will be used to send backup reports. So, what is your SMTP host? Example: mail.example.com

smtp_relay_host? Format: str 🎤 [None]: Indicate the port to connect in the SMTP server you just defined. ⚠️ NEVER use port 465 👉 https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/issues/1428

smtp_relay_port? Format: int 🎤 [587]: Indicate the user to connect in the SMTP server you just defined. For Odoo to work fine, this user needs to be able to do mail spoofing.

smtp_relay_user? Format: str 🎤 [None]: What is your SMTP password?

smtp_relay_password? Format: str 🎤 [example-smtp-password]: Usually, if you send mails like "user@example.com", the canonical domain would be "example.com". This canonical domain should have correct SPF, DKIM and DMARC settings that allow the SMTP host to send mails in its name. When Odoo tries to send a mail that does not come from a canonical domain, the domain you indicate here will be used when rewriting the address with SRS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRS). What's your canonical domain?

smtp_canonical_default? Format: str 🎤 [None]: Supply a list of other domains authorized to send email from this Odoo instance and SMTP host. They will not be affected by SRS. They also must have valid SPF, DKIM and DMARC settings. You do not need to repeat the canonical domain you indicated above. Example: [examplemail.com, example.org]

smtp_canonical_domains? Format: yaml 🎤 [None]: If you want to use an Amazon S3 bucket, write its URL like s3://s3.amazonaws.com/example-bucket/example/path to make sure it works fine. If you want to use any other backend, supply any URL supported by Duplicity (our choice backup engine; read http://duplicity.nongnu.org/vers8/duplicity.1.html#sect7 for those URL formats). If you don't want bakcups, leave this empty. Where should the backups be stored?

backup_dst? Format: str 🎤 [None]: The backup container will send email reports if the SMTP relay is properly configured. What email address should it use to send them?

backup_email_from? Format: str 🎤 [None]: Where to send those backup reports?

backup_email_to? Format: str 🎤 [None]: If you're using S3, you probably want to delete outdated backups using bucket lifecycle rules. If you use other storage backend, then you probably want to enable outdated backups deletion using duplicity itself. So, do you want to enable duplicity backup deletion via cron?

backup_deletion? Format: bool 🎤? (y/n) n Set the timezone used by the backup cron for reports. Visit https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-set-tz-environment-variable/ to know how to obtain a valid value for this variable.

backup_tz? Format: str 🎤 [UTC]: If you're using AWS S3 to store backups, provide here your access key ID.

backup_aws_access_key_id? Format: str 🎤 [None]: If you're using AWS S3 to store backups, provide here your secret access key.

backup_aws_secret_access_key? Format: str 🎤 [None]: ⚠️ This passphrase is critical for security, so keep it safe. You will need it to restore backups. Which will be your backups passphrase?

backup_passphrase? Format: str 🎤 [example-backup-passphrase]:

cd proyecto11/ invoke git-aggregate invoke img-build --pull invoke start invoke logs

Reinicializado el repositorio Git existente en proyecto11/.git/ pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit Attaching to proyecto11_odoo_proxy_1, proyecto11_odoo_1, proyecto11_wdb_1, proyecto11_google_proxy_1, proyecto11_smtp_1, proyecto11_fonts_gstatic_proxy_1, proyecto11_gravatar_proxy_1, proyecto11_db_1, proyecto11_fonts_googleapis_proxy_1, proyecto11_cdnjs_cloudflare_proxy_1 cdnjs_cloudflare_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Resolved cdnjs.cloudflare.com to cdnjs_cloudflare_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:80,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: cdnjs_cloudflare_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:443,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: fonts_googleapis_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Resolved fonts.googleapis.com to fonts_googleapis_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:80,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: fonts_googleapis_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:443,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: google_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Resolved www.google.com to google_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:80,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: google_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:443,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: db_1 | done db_1 | server stopped db_1 | db_1 | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up. db_1 | db_1 | 2020-04-18 03:48:49.951 GMT [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432 db_1 | 2020-04-18 03:48:49.951 GMT [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432 db_1 | 2020-04-18 03:48:49.955 GMT [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" db_1 | 2020-04-18 03:48:49.969 GMT [45] LOG: database system was shut down at 2020-04-18 03:48:49 GMT db_1 | 2020-04-18 03:48:49.975 GMT [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections fonts_gstatic_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Resolved fonts.gstatic.com to fonts_gstatic_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:80,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: fonts_gstatic_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:443,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: gravatar_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Resolved www.gravatar.com to gravatar_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:80,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: gravatar_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:443,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect: odoo_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): odoo_1 | File "/opt/odoo/common/entrypoint.d/40-addons-link", line 17, in odoo_1 | os.symlink(src, dst) odoo_1 | PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '../../custom/src/odoo/addons/website_crm' -> '/opt/odoo/auto/addons/website_crm' odoo_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): odoo_1 | File "/opt/odoo/common/entrypoint", line 32, in odoo_1 | subprocess.check_call(command) odoo_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/subprocess.py", line 363, in check_call odoo_1 | raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) odoo_1 | subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '/opt/odoo/common/entrypoint.d/40-addons-link' returned non-zero exit status 1. odoo_proxy_1 | 2020/04/18 03:51:58 socat[39] E getaddrinfo("odoo", "NULL", {1,0,1,6}, {}): Name does not resolve odoo_proxy_1 | 2020/04/18 03:51:58 socat[40] E getaddrinfo("odoo", "NULL", {1,0,1,6}, {}): Name does not resolve odoo_proxy_1 | 2020/04/18 03:51:59 socat[41] E getaddrinfo("odoo", "NULL", {1,0,1,6}, {}): Name does not resolve odoo_proxy_1 | 2020/04/18 03:51:59 socat[42] E getaddrinfo("odoo", "NULL", {1,0,1,6}, {}): Name does not resolve odoo_proxy_1 | 2020/04/18 03:52:00 socat[43] E getaddrinfo("odoo", "NULL", {1,0,1,6}, {}): Name does not resolve odoo_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:6899,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect:odoo:6899 odoo_proxy_1 | INFO:root:Executing: socat tcp-listen:8069,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect:odoo:8069 odoo_proxy_1 | 2020/04/18 03:54:07 socat[10] E getaddrinfo("odoo", "NULL", {1,0,1,6}, {}): Name does not resolve odoo_proxy_1 | 2020/04/18 03:54:07 socat[9] E getaddrinfo("odoo", "NULL", {1,0,1,6}, {}): Name does not resolve odoo_proxy_1 | 2020/04/18 03:54:07 socat[11] E getaddrinfo("odoo", "NULL", {1,0,1,6}, {}): Name does not resolve smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events smtp_1 | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events

carlosecv commented 4 years ago

I fixed with some silly configuration:

I started with skafollding project the i add to my ~/.bashrc the next line:

export UID GID="$(id -g $USER)" UMASK="$(umask)"

then i make some more investigations and found coupier template project then I realized that I must use from the beginning copier temlplating becaise scafollding is deprecated.

So I have removed this line:

export UID GID="$(id -g $USER)" UMASK="$(umask)"

the i updated with copier update

then it finally worked