Teddy-van-Jerry / SEU-ML-Assign_LaTeX_Template

LaTeX Template for Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment
MIT License
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Font Family and Font Size Adjustments #2

Open Teddy-van-Jerry opened 2 years ago

Teddy-van-Jerry commented 2 years ago

For customized use of the template, here are some suggestions that can be employed to achieve this. The option will be added in the near future. Currently, you may use the following walkaround.

Font Family

Currently, the font in the document is set fixed. The title and main body use different fonts by using \fontfamily{<fontname>}\selectfont command. Additional information (such as the font name) can be found here. You may change the font family by substituting the original font name with your desired one.

Note: The use of fontspec in XeLaTeX has not been checked.

Font Size

Document Body

You may change the font size of the document by giving a different font size option when using \documentclass, there are 9pt, 10pt(default), 11pt and 12pt.

Section / Subsection / Subsubsection

Changes of the style \section, \subsection, subsubsectino also change the style of \problem, \subproblem and subsubproblem.