TeddyMeissner / Phase-Optimization

Code for Binary 3-Phase Diagrams under coherent stress
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Robustness of the model #1

Open samiahhassan opened 9 months ago

samiahhassan commented 9 months ago

I have been trying to use your model for one of my projects. However, I found that this model does not apply to all cases (Ex. for some specific values of A). It would be appreciated if you could clarify the limitations of your model (if there are any, as I mentioned) and the cause behind them.


TeddyMeissner commented 9 months ago

@samiahhassan would you mind providing a small example of your problem and I will try to look into it?

samiahhassan commented 9 months ago

@TeddyMeissner For instance, when the stress (A) is 0.5, I was not able to get a proper phase diagram, the a-b-l and a-b phases were missing from the diagram as the correspond tangent values were infinite. If you want I can email you with the reference image of the diagram.

TeddyMeissner commented 8 months ago

@samiahhassan interesting, It is difficult to replicate this without having all of the parameters so feel free to email or add it in this thread