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Not able to teensy.write/read in python. #13

Open mousemain opened 2 years ago

mousemain commented 2 years ago

Default Code:

import hid
from urllib import request
import json

hidInterfaces = hid.enumerate()          # get all hid interfaces
t_it = filter(lambda t:                  # filter by vid and usagepage/usage
  t['vendor_id']  == 0x16c0 and
  t['usage_page'] == 0xFFAB and
  t['usage']      == 0x0200, hidInterfaces)

rawHID_interface = next(t_it, None)      # 'firstOrDefault'

if rawHID_interface != None:
   teensy = hid.Device(path = rawHID_interface["path"])

   for i in range(10):
     jsonurl = request.urlopen("https://api.adviceslip.com/advice")
     slip = '\0' + json.loads(jsonurl.read())['slip']['advice']  # the sent report must always start with \0
     teensy.write(slip.encode()[:64])                            # rawHID report is 64 bytes long


  File "hid.pyx", line 164, in hid.device.write
ValueError: not open

Does anyone know what error is this?