Tegrty / Sport-Link-Connect

MIT License
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Determine initial functionality - minimal viable product #2

Open Tegrty opened 1 year ago

vasilyl1 commented 1 year ago

An application to match fitness enthusiasts in a local community based on interests in particular fitness activities, experience level, preferred schedules, and geographical proximity.

The application uses a combination of OpenStreetMap and the Strava interface to a database of athletes.

The basic application functionality is to present the user with a map of their local geographical area with potential matches (based on a selection of filters) displayed as pins, enabling the possibility of further interaction.

The application is further expandable beyond the scope of the current project through the addition of chat interfaces, social facilities such as friends’ lists and status updates, and a possible pivot into memberships.

vasilyl1 commented 1 year ago

User Story

As a sport enthusiast I WANT to have a mobile application to match the other sport enthusiasts around me SO THAT I can choose to exercise in a team

vasilyl1 commented 1 year ago

ability to choose the activity match with Strava

Tegrty commented 1 year ago

Minimum Viable Product

A user will be able to input their location as well as their desired activity. When the information is confirmed, the data will be matched with a fetch from Strava API connecting them with other athletes in their desired area.

A display using OpenStreetMap api will show the viable matches on a map with pins

vasilyl1 commented 1 year ago

Project Requirements

You and your group will use everything you’ve learned over the past six modules to create a real-world front-end application that you’ll be able to showcase to potential employers. The user story and acceptance criteria will depend on the project that you create, but your project must fulfil the following requirements:

Use a CSS framework other than Bootstrap.

Be deployed to GitHub Pages.

Be interactive (i.e: accept and respond to user input).

Use at least two server-side APIs.

Does not use alerts, confirms, or prompts (use modals).

Use client-side storage to store persistent data.

Be responsive.

Have a polished UI.

Have a clean repository that meets quality coding standards (file structure, naming conventions, follows best practices for class/id-naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.).

Have a quality README (with unique name, description, technologies used, screenshot, and link to deployed application).

Finally, You must add your project to the portfolio that you created in Module 2.