Teh-Dango / Sarge-AI

Dynamic AI System for Arma 3
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Desolation Redux #4

Open jus61 opened 6 years ago

jus61 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to start the SAG AI on my Desolation Redux server but the AI doesn't shooting on me. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/927053133453681554/AB3AB0930035BA00D5418969946136A1B9193657/

Can you help me?

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

I will try on our server today and let you know if we have the same issue. If you shoot them do they shoot back?

jus61 commented 6 years ago

Thx. I'm not sure, but I think I need to configure it here: https://github.com/Teh-Dango/Sarge-AI/blob/master/sarge/init/fn_preInit.sqf#L40

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

You can try but those empty string variables are really just place holders. If I had to guess I would say there needs to be a change to the faction settings.

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

I would also try shooting them first to see how they react. If they shoot back it would probably be an issue with the player rating usage.

jus61 commented 6 years ago

They're shooting back YAS

case "desolationRedux": {

    SAR_AI_friendly_side = INDEPENDENT;
    SAR_AI_unfriendly_side = EAST;

    EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0];

I can give you access to the server so you can test it! Use TCAdmin

jus61 commented 6 years ago

Any news already?

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

Sorry things got busy yesterday so I did not get any testing done. If they are shooting back then thats good. Try changing setFriend from civilian to independent and see if they shoot first. Arma ai has issues when attacking civilian factions so maybe that is the root cause.

jus61 commented 6 years ago

Ich habe es erfolglos versucht.

SirFrostingham commented 6 years ago

On DesolationRedux, Sarge AI will not shoot first. I'm still searching for a work around...

My Sarge AI settings (I made both side my enemy):

    SAR_AI_friendly_side = EAST;     // enemy
    SAR_AI_unfriendly_side = EAST; // enemy

    EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0];
    CIVILIAN setFriend [EAST, 0];

I tried testing with the default civilian side for players and no faction (military, bandit or hero) would shoot me first. If I shoot any group first, they return fire.

Just for fun, I switched the group and player factions to INDEPENDENT in the mission.sqm. Then I switched the Sarge AI settings to this:

    SAR_AI_friendly_side = EAST;     // enemy
    SAR_AI_unfriendly_side = EAST; // enemy

    EAST setFriend [INDEPENDENT, 0];
    INDEPENDENT setFriend [EAST, 0];

I spawned in the game as the green side (INDEPENDENT) instead of the purple side (CIVILIAN). No faction (military, bandit or hero) would shoot me first. If I shoot any group first, they return fire.

I also tried this same pattern with WEST (player side) and EAST (AI). Same result., AI will not shoot first.

Like I said at the top, I am still looking for the answer.

I started out here, with a guy at the end of the thread stating he got this to work, but I have followed the steps 100% and it did not work for me...

Here is a YouTube video explaining the technique he used in more detail: https://youtu.be/t_vRECxhwLo

Another idea I heard can work is creating a trigger that the AI can go into defense mode, to make the AI attack you... I tried to do it and put it in the mission.sqm, but it didn't work. I probably did it wrong. I built this trigger in Eden editor and tried to make EAST defend a very large area (15000x15000). It's simple enough to make a trigger... I'll keep messing with it.

    class Item0
        class Attributes
            activationType="EAST D";
            type="EAST G";
Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

Like I mentioned earlier, it can be difficult to get AI to attack civilians on the offense instead of reacting to being damaged. I am testing but it doesn't strike me as an urgent bug since not being shot by bandits you cannot see immediately isn't all bad :)

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

I actually see something in that thread that may be worth a shot. Let me work on it a bit tonight and I will post my results.

SirFrostingham commented 6 years ago

Either way, thanks for working on Sarge AI! Awesome that it is still maintained.

I have a public dedicated Desolation Redux server and a private Desolation Redux server. If you come up with something before I do and I can help test. I have not tested the player rating hack on that thread, but to be honest I would be OK with it, since I want all Sarge AI units to be hostile towards my players. :) I tried setting "player addRating -999999" in the debugger and putting myself in front of the AI, but they did not attack.

I have 2 guesses as to why it doesn't work:

1.) Maybe the Desolation code constantly resets it

2.) Like some were saying on the thread, it has no effect on a dedicated server.

obermaig commented 6 years ago

Hi, i have created the Files: "SAR_cfg_grid_malden.sqf" and "SAR_cfg_grps_malden.sqf", but i get the following Warnings in RPT-Log: 14:34:57 "Sarge's AI System: Welcome to Sarge AI!" 14:34:57 "Sarge's AI System: Now initializing Sarge AI version 2.4.3 for Malden" 14:34:57 "Sarge's AI System: malden does not currently support dynamic AI spawning! Dynamic AI spawning has been disabled!"

ist that in concept, or i forgot some steps to bind the malden-Map? greeting

obermaig commented 6 years ago

Oh sorry, thet's worked :dancer: _SAR_supportedMaps = ["malden","altis","chernarus","chernarus_summer","chernarusredux","taviana","namalsk","lingor3","mbg_celle2","takistan","fallujah","panthera2","tanoa"];

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

obermaig those are correct. yiu need to add the map name to the supported maps array also. Please open a new issue if it is off topic next time.

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

As for the bandit issues, if yiu want to test there is a dev branch. Not sure the current version.

obermaig commented 6 years ago

Hello together, set your Player as INDEPENDENT and Type as "I_G_Survivor_F" in your missions.sqm for each one player and for the group: class Item11 { dataType="Group"; side="INDEPENDENT"; class Entities { items=1; class Item0 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={1103.9161,0.75656569,11452.843}; angles[]={0,2.1686413,0}; }; side="INDEPENDENT"; flags=7; class Attributes { isPlayable=1; }; id=19; type="I_G_Survivor_F"; class CustomAttributes

obermaig commented 6 years ago

And i have set the Bandits as side EAST in @DesolationServer\Addons\Sarge\code\configs\loadouts\desolation\bandits.cfg i know, Teh-Django - it is not recomended, but so engage my bandits all players...

`SAR_band_leader_model = ["O_Survivor_F"];

SAR_band_leader_uniform = [["U_O_T_Officer_F","U_O_OfficerUniform_ocamo","U_OG_leader"]];`

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

If those changes are working then that it fine with me. I will push those changes in the dev branch today and we will see how it goes. Good work obermaig.

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

I have updated the dev branch with the changes you provided obermaig. It looks like I was doing some work I never pushed to the stable branch as well so it will look different and now supports BreakingPoint. As for changing the mission side of the units, I am not sure what effect that may have on the way the mod works so keep an eye on it. I believe the mod already makes players Independent if you want to try the default mission file with the dev SargeAI.

obermaig commented 6 years ago

Hi Teh-Dango I got the idea as a workaround from mod developer.


Currently, player belongs to the civilian faction, but in this case, no other factions want to attack the player. A solution for CIV-Player could be to put the player's Rating eq -999999 directly at logon ....   I think the DSR developers will also regularly change the side of players to Independent.

Independend characters have problems with the looted uniforms, to solve this issue you have to either adjust loot or activate unlocked uniforms mod. But that's not a problem of your system, your scripts are just awesome! Thank you for your work!

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

Ok I will add this in the instructions for DesolationRedux then if this is what works. I will close this issue if you are satisfied with the fix?

SirFrostingham commented 6 years ago

I tested this on my server and Sarge AI bandits SHOOT FIRST! @obermaig nice job! @Teh-Dango - Thank you for your development efforts of Sarge AI!

One DesolationRedux mode issue with these updates:

Changes I implemented:

Hopefully I implemented all the changes... 👍

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

please use the dev branch and report your findings.

SirFrostingham commented 6 years ago

@Teh-Dango I am just summarizing the updates from @obermaig. This is not a new update. I am confirming the updates make the bandits shoot first.

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

@SirFrostingham ok I misunderstood.

obermaig commented 6 years ago

hello SirFrostingham,

I solved the problems with uniforms on our server with the additional mod "unlocked uniforms" from Armaholic side. Unfortunately, there is no other way, because these are the different factions :( Greeting Ober

Teh-Dango commented 6 years ago

I pushed the config changes to the stable branch but I hate to say that changing the mission units and adding another mod is a fix to this bug. I will leave this issue open for now. Good job on the workaround @obermaig

obermaig commented 6 years ago

it's a pleasure! ;)