TehGimp / KerbalMultiPlayer

A multiplayer plugin for KMP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can't EVA kerbals from science pods in unpilotable vessels #575

Open meeces2911 opened 10 years ago

meeces2911 commented 10 years ago

This is a weird error that only happened after updating to 1.5. When I click on a hatch door for example, to do an EVA with the kerbal inside, the menu that shows how many kerbals are inside briefly appears and then disappears again. The same thing seems to be happening to the buttons up the top, as i'm unable to turn off my lights without pressing "U".

EDIT: Title updated from "Unable to click on lights/gears/brakes buttons, or any hatch doors"

godarklight commented 10 years ago

Just to confirm: This isn't a private vessel and it's not being controlled by another player?

meeces2911 commented 10 years ago

Its a vessel I created in 1.4.2. I then quit the server, updated it to 1.5, and connected again, since then i've been unable to click on anything. Making the vessel public doesn't work either. I'll see if i can upload a short video of the issue shortly.

godarklight commented 10 years ago

Thanks: It might to also upload the unity log (KSP_Data/output_log.txt on windows) to pastebin and link it here too.

meeces2911 commented 10 years ago


meeces2911 commented 10 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gBFtCNN4yQ - Skip to 1:20 odd

godarklight commented 10 years ago

I get the same thing when the vessel is not controllable, But I'm fairly you had enough electric charge and by the looks of things you had a probe core in the middle. Perhaps upload the KMP_universe.db?

meeces2911 commented 10 years ago


godarklight commented 10 years ago

Thanks for uploading the universe database so I could see for myself.

I sent Jedediah up to have a look at your (beautiful) space station, I put him in the cupola module and told him in a stern voice to turn the lights on and off. I told him that the engines and boosters were out of commission. He turned the lights on and off (reluctantly).

I then told him to get in the research lab to do science. I told him there was some SRB's that they were working on. Upon entry to the science lab, the doors locked shut behind him. I don't trust him.

Now for seriousness: I think you forgot a probe core. I camera clipped throughout the whole entire station and couldn't see one. Possible KSP bug: When I put jeb in the science lab I couldn't get him out because there was no control pods :-/

The oddest thing about that ship: I have NO idea how it turns without a control source.

EDIT: Also, you left your space station as private. I had to open the database in sqlite and turn off that flag. Luckly I have those tricks up my sleeve ;)

EDIT 2: I think you found a KSP bug. !!!Science!!! labs imprison kerbals.

godarklight commented 10 years ago

Nope: You're right. In single player you can EVA the kerbal out. Gimp will have to check out this one.

The workaround: Make sure your ship is always pilotable with a probe core....

EDIT: But in single player the lights/gears/brakes button still don't work because no kerbal is controlling it. I formally rename this bug to "Can't EVA kerbals from science pods in unpilotable vessels.".

meeces2911 commented 10 years ago

Haha, thanks, yeah I wont forget one of those next time I send that station back up. I thought It might have been related to the new anti piracy settings, but allowing piracy didn't help either. Thanks for having a look though!

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

@meeces2911 piracy changes could easily play a role--I wouldn't be surprised if, since the vessel isn't controllable, it's getting the CommandModule (PartModule) attached to the lab disabled just like if you observing someone else's vessel.

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

Confirmed that new piracy control code doesn't appear to be responsible--no good lead on a cause at the moment, but looking for any differences in the VESSEL ConfigNode in persistant.sfs in KMP vs single-player might be helpful.

icemagetv commented 10 years ago

I have a save with a few "Bases" I built that have the same issues. These ships have probe cores attached, so that is not the issue at least.