TehGimp / KerbalMultiPlayer

A multiplayer plugin for KMP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not working Add-on and severall Bugs. #670

Closed Harry-89 closed 10 years ago

Harry-89 commented 10 years ago


first of all, sorry for my English, I'm from Austria. :)

1) I'm playing with the newest Dev. Version and it seems the Add-on "Universe Replacer" isn't working anymore.

In 1.5.1 it was working very well but now it isn't.

Should the Add-on be working or is that a Bug?

2) Sometimes the Game is hanging for minutes in the synchronizing loop. I can play normally but when it is synchronized again, I'm far away from my old position. I'm playing on my own LAN with a ping <1ms to my Server which is on an other subnet but within my LAN.

3) Yesterday KSP crashed several times when playing KSP with a friend. Most of the time it happened when KMP lost the connection to my server and I tried to log out. Than the game freezed and I had to kill it with the taskmanager. (A Crashreport was generated from KSP)

4) After logging in again the universe got synchronized, while synchronizing I saw some ships who where destroyd/deleted severell hours earlyier. After synchronization was finished they were gone.

5) I created a litte Spacestation, 2 Parts were docked. The Game crashed again and I tried to log in again. Everything got synchonized but my 2 Ships where 100m away from each other. So I docked them again. Everything worked fined. I logged out normally and logged in again a few moments later. My Station was okay.

So I tried to create another one but then my first Station was gone. I built my new Station and logged out and in again and my old Station was here again. Now I have 2 stations.

6) My friend tried to launch a Rocket but while launching in the atmosphere he got disconnected. He logged in again but he couldn't see his Ship but I saw his Ship so I took control over it and made a stable orbit. But the ship was not visible for him only for me. After logging out and in again the ship was gone for me again forever.

godarklight commented 10 years ago

1) If it's a problem during load, it's most likely #662

2) I'd first check that it is not #555 first, because the client waits for a reply from the server. If not, can you upload KSP_Data/output_log.txt

3) I haven't actually had KSP lock up on linux, but it's been reported to hang during an exit sometimes. I'll try to figure this one out when I get to it :-/

4) This one is quite common, the ships aren't actually destroyed in the database but instantly become destroyed on load. I think that's one for gimp.

5) The first part is most likely #662 again, but disappearing ships are odd. Perhaps #605.

6) It would have been marked as destoyed because it was on rails in the atmosphere without a player. Another one for gimp though...

It's also generally a better idea to split these off into separate issue reports, but not using search is forgiven because people have different descriptions for the same bug. (Eg #555 and #666).

Harry-89 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your answer.

1) I can see the files are loaded during the start screen. But the Textures are not visible. When I remove KMP from the GameData Folder everything works.

2) The Server is running on a small Linux Server with 2x1,7Ghz Atom CPU. I will check that the next time.

Sorry for so many Problems in one post. I will make it better the next time and search for longer. :)

godarklight commented 10 years ago

1) It's probably still handy to get a copy of the Player.log/output_log.txt file to double check it's #662.

On Windows, it will be in KSP_folder/KSP_Data/output_log.txt. On Linux, it will be ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

2) That sounds very familiar. This is the build server:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | tail -n 1
model name      : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D510   @ 1.66GHz

I've found using MySQL to be much slower then using sqlite using my server-profiling branch, if that helps.

Harry-89 commented 10 years ago

How do I attach the .txt File?

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

@Harry-89 You can use a service like pastebin or even something like Dropbox, then just put the link in a comment here.

Harry-89 commented 10 years ago

Thank you.

I think this is the important part.


Do you need more from the File? The File is 1,1 Mb big, so I can't copy it directly to pastebin.

godarklight commented 10 years ago

I wasn't expecting that bug, The only time I've ever seen a KSP/KMP crash like that is on RBreaker's windows 8 computer.

He also had troubles with very simple .NET/C# programs too however - Like my KMPModClient program (which needs an update).

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

Quite a few issues here, seemingly most of them resolved. @Harry-89 can you confirm if you're still encountering any of the problems listed on this report in the latest dev version?

Harry-89 commented 10 years ago

1) I never tried that mod again. I found another one who is working fine.

2) I think that one is fixed. Never had that again.

3) Never had that Problem again.

4) Some ships are still visible during the first sync. But those ships were deleted/destroyed hours ago.

5) Never tried it again to dock because with the periodic resync it's nearly impossible do dock.

6) The problem only appeard once. So I think it is fixed.

But I found another problem today. I will write an extra thread.

Thank you for your hard work. :)

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

OK with today's patches that fixed #605 I think everything listed here is fixed. Since this issue report included multiple problems, if any are still occurring please open new issue reports for them.