TehGimp / KerbalMultiPlayer

A multiplayer plugin for KMP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No MP ships showing up after reconnect. #88

Closed BeowolfSchaefer closed 10 years ago

BeowolfSchaefer commented 10 years ago

I have several users with multiple physical server installs all reporting the same thing. Basically you can join a server, launch a ship into stable orbit. you can even save the universe with the server command prompt but if the player leaves and comes back there are no longer any ships in space. like starting from scratch on each relog

Pastebin fom a fresh client install on a fresh server install on the same machine. http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=wLH5x469

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

Logs indicate that your client isn't receiving any vessels from the server--it's not a loading problem on your side oddly enough. Seems like a server side bug...

BeowolfSchaefer commented 10 years ago

That's super weird since I even joined some random reddit servers and experienced the same issue. Are there server logs I should submit?

Thunder005 commented 10 years ago

I setup a local LAN server, saving the files into Dropbox. Tried on both OS - Win Server 2012 and Win 7; got this same result. Stable orbits, but a large amount of disconnected clients. Even a hard save server command, saving the universe, when the client disconnect and reconnects there were no more ships in the Universe, all ships are gone.

Tried to delete the clients persistent state file and have it rebuild after rejoining... worked one time, after that never worked again.

Mostly clients would disconnect once a larger vessel was launched, i noticed the Array stack error would be caused when ships in the 300 to 500 parts range were getting launched.

download my server and client logs. http://dropcanvas.com/wiklb also on the the attachment is Parts list. Added mods wer MechJeb 2 and KW Rocket, deduplicated.

BajaBen commented 10 years ago

Hi guys, i am new here. i just had the same problem with ships not showing up in orbit either to my friend who had just launched into space and me after i relogged. we are both using v0.1.1.2 clients and the server is v0.1.1.3. anything i can do to help fix this problem? Cheers.

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

BajaBen--can you test whether starting a new flight (you can just leave it on the launchpad) and returning to the Space Center is enough to make the other ships appear? Thanks!

BeowolfSchaefer commented 10 years ago

I think that running my client as admin fixed my issue but I'm not sure. Might have been .1.1.3 that did it. Hope the rest of you get sorted.

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

Keeping this open for now, but watching for other reports of this being fixed in v0.1.1.3 (provided BajaBen's issue is fixed by starting a flight)

Maximus-CZ commented 10 years ago

When I got disconnect, I reconnected again. There were like 10 vessels in orbiting Kerbin. When I joined, I started syncing. Vessels slowly appeared on map view. When all of sudden, I got Unexpected Error and Re-syncing. After sync done, I could see only Jeb. Starting vessel didnt help, reconnecting didnt help.. nothing.. Other players joining reported that they could see those crafts, Someone was missing few crafts, but other players were able to see them.. Strange

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

@Maximus-CZ sounds like those issues are a combination of NRE flood protection going off during sync (I'm currently considering disabling it there) and other loading issues that weren't related to this "can't see anything ever" bug. Thanks for the report!

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

Tentatively closing--please feel free to re-open this issue if we see something similar again (namely complete inability to see other vessels, even after restarting KSP and starting a flight to rule out other errors)

BajaBen commented 10 years ago

i can confirm that going to that launch pad and back to the space station does not load vessels already in orbit.

TehGimp commented 10 years ago

If you have been affected by this issue, please report on whether it is still present in v0.1.2.0 once it is available. Thanks!