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orca - freighter bounce warping #111

Closed hsyed closed 11 years ago

hsyed commented 11 years ago

A booster orca does not discriminate between fleet member types, it tries to service the whole fleet in hauler mode. I

If your fleet is composed of miners this doesn't matter, in my case I keep the miners in a single belt at a time. So the orca always stays with the fleet. Adding a freighter however causes troubles, as when the freighter is not with the fleet its a target to warp to. This also leads to bounce warp loops between the freighter and the orca.

Perhaps add a tether option to the hauler mode. Or add a tractor mode to the miner-orca mode.

Dreadarm commented 11 years ago

This can easily be avoided by setting the orca to miner mode, there really is no need to have an orca and a freighter on hauler mode, also if you want the orca to pick up cans just turn on the salvage mini-mode and set your wreck threshold

hsyed commented 11 years ago

Yep that works, thanks.

Dreadarm commented 11 years ago

np sorry i was not on irc to get to you sooner. 0/