I really like the paper and this solution that you have done.
I found a discrepancy between the 'Readme.md' file, documentation (https://www.cellphonedb.org/documentation) and the code regarding the setting of the threshold of cells expressing a gene.
The threshold is stated in the documentation as the percentage (%) of cells but in code it is only accepted as a value between 0 and 1.
Fixing the documentation to fraction would be the solution.
Thank you.
class ThresholdValueException(Exception):
def __init__(self, threshold_value):
super(ThresholdValueException, self).__init__(
'Threshold value ({}) is not valid. Accepted range: 0<=threshold<=1'.format(threshold_value))
I really like the paper and this solution that you have done. I found a discrepancy between the 'Readme.md' file, documentation (https://www.cellphonedb.org/documentation) and the code regarding the setting of the threshold of cells expressing a gene.
The threshold is stated in the documentation as the percentage (%) of cells but in code it is only accepted as a value between 0 and 1.
Fixing the documentation to fraction would be the solution.
Thank you.
--- ERROR ---