Teichlab / celltypist

A tool for semi-automatic cell type classification
MIT License
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Running celltypist with concatenated dataset #106

Open malonzm1 opened 5 months ago

malonzm1 commented 5 months ago


I have datasets that I need to concatenate. Is it ok to run celltypist after concatenation or should I run it on the individual datasets before concatenation?

Thanks and good day.


ChuanXu1 commented 5 months ago

@malonzm1, predicted_labels is not impacted, but majority_voting will be, due to the over-clustering step (different data structures will result in different clusterings).

malonzm1 commented 5 months ago

@ChuanXu1 Thanks. Would you say that if I were interested in majority_voting it would be better to perform celltypist before concatenation?

ChuanXu1 commented 5 months ago

@malonzm1, it depends. Usually, cells will be clustered in a better manifold when several datasets are combined and greater resolution is achieved, but sometimes clustering on a single dataset may reveal a better clustering shape (e.g., due to alleviated batch effect or optimal set of HVGs).