Teichlab / tracer

TraCeR - reconstruction of T cell receptor sequences from single-cell RNAseq data
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AssertionError during tracer installation #122

Closed svalkiers closed 11 months ago

svalkiers commented 11 months ago


I followed the installation instructions as explained in the README, and edited the tracer.conf file accordingly. When I try to test the installation, I get an AssertionError: Species not found in resources error.


tracer test -p 1 -c tracer.conf

Terminal output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/sebastiaan/miniconda3/envs/tcr_epi_benchmark/bin/tracer", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('tracer==0.5', 'console_scripts', 'tracer')())
  File "/home/sebastiaan/miniconda3/envs/tcr_epi_benchmark/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tracer-0.5-py3.8.egg/tracerlib/launcher.py", line 43, in launch
  File "/home/sebastiaan/miniconda3/envs/tcr_epi_benchmark/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tracer-0.5-py3.8.egg/tracerlib/tasks.py", line 1217, in run
    Assembler(resource_dir=self.resource_dir, ncores=str(self.ncores),
  File "/home/sebastiaan/miniconda3/envs/tcr_epi_benchmark/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tracer-0.5-py3.8.egg/tracerlib/tasks.py", line 324, in __init__
    self.species_root = self.get_species_root(self.species,
  File "/home/sebastiaan/miniconda3/envs/tcr_epi_benchmark/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tracer-0.5-py3.8.egg/tracerlib/tasks.py", line 209, in get_species_root
    assert os.path.isdir(resources_root), "Species not found in resources"
AssertionError: Species not found in resources

Please find the contents of the tracer.conf file here:

#Configuration file for TraCeR#

#paths to tools used by TraCeR for alignment, quantitation, etc
#bowtie2_path = /path/to/bowtie2
#bowtie2-build_path = /path/to/bowtie2-build
#igblastn_path = /home/sebastiaan/phd/tools/igblast/bin/igblastn
#makeblastdb_path = /path/to/makeblastdb
#kallisto_path = /path/to/kallisto
#salmon_path = /path/to/salmon
#trinity_path = /path/to/trinity
#dot_path = /path/to/dot
#neato_path = /path/to/neato

#line below specifies maximum memory for Trinity Jellyfish component. Set it appropriately for your environment.
max_jellyfish_memory = 1G

#uncomment the line below if you've got a configuration file for Trinity to use a computing grid 
#trinity_grid_conf = /path/to/trinity/grid.conf

#uncomment the line below to explicitly specify Trinity version. Options are '1' or '2'
#trinity_version = 2

#### <---- beginning of trinity specialized options
# additional Trinity options in case you're dealing with very short reads (say 25 base reads)
# and want to achieve high sensitivity with questionable specificity, in other words
# trying to extract whatever you can from the data you have:

###  note, default Trinity kmer length is 25
#trinity_kmer_length = 17

### below stops trinity at the initial inchworm (greedy kmer extension) step.
#inchworm_only = True

#### end of trinity specialized options ---->

igblast_seqtype = TCR

# reference transcriptomes for kallisto/salmon.  Just point to the raw transcriptome fasta files.
Mmus = /home/sebastiaan/phd/tools/salmon/mouse/Mus_musculus_GRCm39_E110_cdna_ERCC.fasta
Hsap = /home/sebastiaan/phd/tools/salmon/human/Homo_sapiens_GRCh38.p14_E110_cdna_ERCC.fasta

# salmon indices created from [base_transcriptomes] above; needed only when option --small_index is used
Mmus = /home/sebastiaan/phd/tools/salmon/mouse/Mus_musculus_GRCm39_E110_cdna_ERCC
Hsap = /home/sebastiaan/phd/tools/salmon/human/Homo_sapiens_GRCh38.p14_E110_cdna_ERCC

# kallisto indices created from [base_transcriptomes] above; needed only when option --small_index is used
Mmus = /path/to/kallisto/index_for_Mmus
Hsap = /path/to/kallisto/index_for_Hsap

# line below specifies type of sequencing library for Salmon; if not specified, automatic detection (--libType A) is used 
#libType = A

# line below specifies minimum acceptable length for valid match in salmon's quasi mapping; if not specified, default value of 31 is used
#kmerLen = 31

#Path to direcetory where TraCeR was originally downloaded
tracer_path = /home/sebastiaan/phd/tools/tracer/tracer

Thank you.

lsy5011 commented 11 months ago

Hi! I'm currently facing the same issue. May i know how you solve it? cause i did customized the conf file to the correct path but yet can't solve it. Thanks!

svalkiers commented 11 months ago

I adjusted:

#Path to direcetory where TraCeR was originally downloaded
tracer_path = /home/sebastiaan/phd/tools/tracer/tracer


#Path to direcetory where TraCeR was originally downloaded
tracer_path = /home/sebastiaan/phd/tools/tracer

so the path refers to the tracer folder, not the executable.

lsy5011 commented 11 months ago

Thanks alot! By the way did you meeet this issues when you running test? image

svalkiers commented 11 months ago

Hmm no I did not. The error does not look very informative. Did you prepare the reference transcriptomes as instructed in https://www.nxn.se/valent/2016/10/3/the-first-steps-in-rna-seq-expression-analysis-single-cell-and-other ?

lsy5011 commented 11 months ago

Hmm no I did not. The error does not look very informative. Did you prepare the reference transcriptomes as instructed in https://www.nxn.se/valent/2016/10/3/the-first-steps-in-rna-seq-expression-analysis-single-cell-and-other ?

Yes i did! but the attributes part seems like changed a lil bit. My options like following: image Is it the same with you? because i didn't saw any similar issues posted here. But i didn't do the genemap part, i just finish the references and indexing part. I guess it's fine right?

lsy5011 commented 11 months ago

image and also is this part refer to the directory? cause in my case after indexing the output is a directory.